Beginning Perl

Book description

Everything beginners need to start programming with Perl

Perl is the ever-popular, flexible, open source programming language that has been called the programmers' Swiss army knife. This book introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who are looking to learn a new language. In the tradition of the popular Wrox Beginning guides, it presents step-by-step guidance in getting started, a host of try-it-out exercises, real-world examples, and everything necessary for a Perl novice to start programming with confidence.

  • Introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who want to learn a new language

  • Provides a host of real-world applications for today's environments so readers can get started immediately

  • Covers the new features of Perl but fully applicable to previous editions

Beginning Perl provides the information and instruction you need to confidently get started with Perl.

For Instructors: Classroom and training support material are available for this book.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Introduction
  4. Chapter 1: What is Perl?
    1. Perl Today
    2. Getting Perl
    3. The Perl Community
    4. Using perldoc
    5. Using a Terminal Window
    6. Creating Hello, World!
    7. Summary
  5. Chapter 2: Understanding the CPAN
    1. CPAN and METACPAN
    2. CPAN Clients
    3. Summary
  6. Chapter 3: Variables
    1. What is Programming?
    2. A Few Things to Note Before Getting Started
    3. Scalars
    4. Arrays
    5. Hashes
    6. Slices
    7. Context
    8. Scope
    9. Strict, Warnings, and Diagnostics
    10. Perl’s Built-in Variables
    11. Summary
  7. Chapter 4: Working With Data
    1. Using Scalars
    2. Array and List Functions
    3. Built-in Hash Functions
    4. Scoping Keywords
    5. Summary
  8. Chapter 5: Control Flow
    1. Using the if Statement
    2. for/foreach loops
    3. Using while/until Loops
    4. Statement Modifiers
    5. given/when
    6. Summary
  9. Chapter 6: References
    1. References 101
    2. Working with References
    3. Summary
  10. Chapter 7: Subroutines
    1. Subroutine Syntax
    2. Returning Data
    3. FAIL!
    4. Subroutine References
    5. Prototypes
    6. Recursion
    7. Things to Watch For
    8. Summary
  11. Chapter 8: Regular Expressions
    1. Basic Matching
    2. Advanced Matching
    3. Common Regular Expression Issues
    4. Summary
  12. Chapter 9: Files and Directories
    1. Basic File Handling
    2. Directories
    3. Unicode
    4. Useful Modules
    5. Summary
  13. Chapter 10: Sort, Map, and Grep
    1. Basic Sorting
    2. map and grep
    3. Putting It All Together
    4. Summary
  14. Chapter 11: Packages and Modules
    1. Namespaces and Packages
    2. Subroutines in Other Packages
    4. Plain Old Documentation (POD)
    5. Creating and Installing Modules
    6. Summary
  15. Chapter 12: Object Oriented Perl
    1. What Are Objects? The Ævar the Personal Shopper
    2. Three Rules of Perl OO
    3. Objects – Another View
    4. A Brief Recap
    5. Gotchas
    6. Summary
  16. Chapter 13: Moose
    1. Understanding Basic Moose Syntax
    2. Advanced Moose Syntax
    3. Moose Best Practices
    4. Summary
  17. Chapter 14: Testing
    1. Basic Tests
    2. Understanding Test::More Test Functions
    3. Using Other Testing Modules
    4. Understanding xUnit Style Using Testing
    5. Summary
  18. Chapter 15: The Interwebs
    1. A Brief Introduction to HTTP
    2. Web Clients
    3. Summary
  19. Chapter 16: Databases
    1. Using the DBI
    2. Selecting Basic Data
    3. Summary
  20. Chapter 17: Plays Well With Others
    1. The Command Line
    2. Other Programs
    3. Summary
  21. Chapter 18: Common Tasks
    1. Using CSV Data
    2. Understanding Basic XML
    3. Handling Dates
    4. Understanding Your Program
    5. Summary
  22. Chapter 19: The Next Steps
    1. What Next?
    2. Understanding Object-Relational Mappers
    3. Using the Template Toolkit
    4. Using Catalyst to Build Apps
    5. Summary
  23. Appendix: Answers To Exercises
  24. Advertisements

Product information

  • Title: Beginning Perl
  • Author(s): Curtis Ovid Poe
  • Release date: September 2012
  • Publisher(s): Wrox
  • ISBN: 9781118013847