Vertices in 3D

In Chapter 7, you learned that a vertex has a few attributes:

  • Position
  • Color (optional)
  • Texture coordinates (optional)
  • You created a helper class called Vertices, which handles all the dirty details for you. You limited the vertex positions to have only x- and y-coordinates. All you need to do to go 3D is modify the Vertices class so that it supports 3D vertex positions.

Vertices3: Storing 3D Positions

Let's write a new class called Vertices3 to handle 3D vertices based on your original Vertices class. Listing 10–1 shows the code.

Listing 10–1., Now with More Coordinates.

package; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; ...

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