Book description
JavaScript is arguably the most polarizing and misunderstood programming language in the world. Many have attempted to replace it as the language of the Web, but JavaScript has survived, evolved, and thrived. Why did a language created in such hurry succeed where others failed?
This guide gives you a rare glimpse into JavaScript from people intimately familiar with it. Chapters contributed by domain experts such as Jacob Thornton, Ariya Hidayat, and Sara Chipps show what they love about their favorite language—whether it’s turning the most feared features into useful tools, or how JavaScript can be used for self-expression.
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- Preface
- 1. Beautiful Mixins
- 2. eval and Domain-Specific Languages
- 3. How to Draw a Bunny
- 4. Too Much Rope, or JavaScript for Teams
- 5. Hacking JavaScript Constructors for Model Harmony
- 6. One World, One Language
- 7. Math Expression Parser and Evaluator
- 8. Evolution
- 9. Error Handling
- 10. The Node.js Event Loop
- 11. JavaScript Is…
- 12. Coding Beyond Logic
- 13. JavaScript Is Cutieful
- 14. Functional JavaScript
- 15. Progress
- Index
Product information
- Title: Beautiful JavaScript
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2015
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781449370756
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