As a study aid, we have included complete solutions for each Practice Test problem at the end of this book.

  1. Write the first five terms of the sequence for which (a) a1 = 8 and d =  − 1/2 ;  (b) a1 = 8 and r =  − 1/2.

  2. Find the sum of the first seven terms of the sequence 6 ,  − 2 ,  23 ,  …  . 

  3. If 4 , x + 6 ,  and 3x + 2 are the first three terms of an arithmetic sequence, find the sum of the first 10 terms.

  4. Find the fraction equal to the decimal 0.454545. . . .

  5. Find the first three terms of the expansion of 1 − 4x . 

  6. Expand and simply the expression (2x − y)5 . 

  7. What is the value after 20 years of an investment of $2500 if it draws 5% annual interest compounded annually?

  8. Find the sum of the first 100 even integers.

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