Branching on Conditions


You want to check if you have the right number of arguments and take actions accordingly. You need a branching construct.


The if statement in bash is similar in appearance to that in other programming languages:

if [ $# -lt 3 ]
    printf "%b" "Error. Not enough arguments.\n"
    printf "%b" "usage: myscript file1 op file2\n"
    exit 1

or alternatively:

if (( $# < 3 ))
    printf "%b" "Error. Not enough arguments.\n"
    printf "%b" "usage: myscript file1 op file2\n"
    exit 1

Here’s a full-blown if with an elif (bash-talk for else-if) and an else clause:

if (( $# < 3 ))
    printf "%b" "Error. Not enough arguments.\n"
    printf "%b" "usage: myscript file1 op file2\n"
    exit 1
elif (( $# > 3 ))
    printf "%b" "Error. Too many arguments.\n"
    printf "%b" "usage: myscript file1 op file2\n"
    exit 2
    printf "%b" "Argument count correct. Proceeding...\n"

You can even do things like this:

[ $result = 1 ] \
  && { echo "Result is 1; excellent." ; exit 0;   } \
  || { echo "Uh-oh, ummm, RUN AWAY! " ; exit 120; }

(For a discussion of this last example, see Saving or Grouping Output from Several Commands.)


We have two things we need to discuss: the basic structure of the if statement and how it is that we have different syntax (parentheses or brackets, operators or options) for the if expression. The first may help explain the second. The general form for an if statement, from the manpage for bash, is:

if list; then list; [ elif list; then list; ] ... [ else list; ...

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