Metabolic regulation by global regulators in response to culture environment


Basic metabolic regulation mechanisms are explained in terms of catabolite regulation, nitrogen regulation, and phosphate regulation, as well as the effects of acidic pH, heat shock, and nutrient starvation on metabolic regulations. Attention focuses on the effects of global regulators (transcription factors with sigma factors), such as cAMP-Crp, Cra, Mlc, RpoN, ArcA/B, Fnr, SoxR/S, PhoR/B, RpoH, and RpoS on metabolism. The effects of knockout of such genes as cra, crp, mlc, arcA/B, phoR/B, soxR/S, and rpoS, on metabolic regulation are also explained.

Key words

catabolite regulation

nitrogen regulation

phosphate regulation

acidic pH

heat shock

stress ...

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