Chapter 8. Azure App Service

Azure App Service is a managed service that enables you to host HTTP-based applications, including web applications, websites, HTTP APIs, and mobile app backends. At the time of writing this book, the following languages and frameworks are supported:

  • .NET

  • .NET Core

  • Java

  • Ruby

  • Node.js

  • PHP

  • Python

The recipes in this chapter will show you how to do the following tasks in Azure App Services. You will:

  • Deploy markup and code using multiple deployment options

  • Configure autoscaling

  • Restrict client network access

  • Host static websites on Azure Storage


You can also host containerized web applications on Azure Container Instances or Azure Container Apps. See Chapter 9 for details on containers.

Workstation Configuration

You will need to prepare your workstation before starting on the recipes in this chapter. Follow “What You Will Need” to set up your machine to run Azure CLI commands. You can clone the book’s GitHub repository using the following command:

git clone

Deploying a Web Application to Azure App Services Using ZipDeploy


You want to deploy your website to an Azure App Service using Kudu ZipDeploy.


Compress your website files into a ZIP file and deploy it to your Azure App Service using the az webapp deployment source config-zip command, as shown in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1. Deploying files to an Azure App Service using Kudu ZipDeploy

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