Chapter 7. Azure Functions and Serverless Services

Sometimes the term serverless computing gives the impression that a service is not hosted on a server. This is far from the truth. In fact, all Azure services run on servers (either physical or virtual) in Azure data centers. A serverless service removes the burden of server management from your shoulders. You don’t need to worry about managing the underlying platform or server; it’s as if it does not exist, hence the term “serverless.” Microsoft Azure will take care of the server OS patching, updating, service availability, auto scaling, and more.

Many Azure services are completely serverless or offer a serverless tier. Here are a few examples:

  • Azure SQL Database and Azure Cosmos DB

  • Azure Function Apps and Azure Logic Apps

  • Azure Kubernetes and Azure Container Apps

  • Azure Event Hubs, Azure Services Bus, and Azure Event Grid

  • Azure API Management

  • Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Machine Learning, and Azure Bot Service

Using “Azure serverless” brings the following values:

Cost savings

You only pay for what is used. For example, a provisioned Azure Function does not cost you anything unless it is called.

Automatic scaling

The service only scales up/out and down/in when needed, to save costs.

Less management burden

There is no need to manage any underlying virtual machine, auto-scaling, etc.

This chapter explores Azure Functions as the main serverless compute service in Azure. You will learn to:

  • Run an Azure Function ...

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