Chapter 5. Messaging and Events

Back in the day, architects used to design applications in one unified codebase, which was then built and deployed to a single host. These applications were referred to as monolithic applications. Maintaining such applications was hard and time-consuming. A small change required the whole codebase to be redeployed.

Service-oriented and microservice architecture were introduced to mitigate these issues by simplifying designing, developing, deploying, and maintaining applications. Following this architecture, one big application is broken down into meaningful services in separate codebases, and each service is deployed to an independent host. For instance, imagine an online shop. This shop needs individual services such as ShoppingCardService, PaymentService, AuthenticationService, DeliveryService, and so on. These services need to communicate with each other in a reliable manner. No message should get lost due to networking issues or unavailable destinations. This is when messaging technologies come into the picture.

Messaging technologies enable microservices, applications, and other services to communicate in a safe, secure, and reliable fashion. Queues and topics are notable messaging services to mention.

Microsoft Azure offers several messaging services, which provide inter-connectivity between cloud and/or on-premises applications. You can use these services to send and receive messages to/from applications regardless of the destination availability ...

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