Chapter 3. Storage

Almost every solution needs to persist data in a data store, and cloud solutions are no exception. Your data store should be protected by multiple security measures to safeguard the data from hackers and unauthorized users. Data redundancy should be in place in case one or more data centers go offline due to expected—or unexpected—events. Scalability is also a key requirement for modern applications. The data store should accommodate any traffic volume and expand to store more data as it is created.

Azure Storage is Azure’s main, general-purpose data storage service. It offers native integration with key Azure services such as Azure Active Directory, Azure Key Vault, managed identities, Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, virtual machine disks, Azure Cognitive Search, Event Grid, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Infinite scaling capabilities make it a great choice for storing big data, telemetry, logfiles, images, media files, and both unstructured and NoSQL data.


Microsoft is continuously updating Azure services to offer richer features. Visit the Azure updates page for the latest updates and to take advantage of new offerings as they become generally available.

Azure Storage offers the following services: blobs, files, queues, tables, and disks. VM disks are stored as blob objects. In this chapter, you will use the Azure Storage services to configure a secure, reliable, and affordable data store in your Azure subscription. Use Azure Storage to:

  • Automatically ...

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