Chapter 2. Networking

Every Azure service needs the right network connectivity to securely communicate with other dependencies and service clients. The processed data should be fed to downstream services over a secure connection. To reduce the attack surface, services such as Azure Cosmos DB need to limit the incoming requests to desired networks only. Microservices deployed to Azure Functions, Azure Kubernetes Service, or Azure Container Instances need to connect to one another in an efficient and secure manner. These are just a few examples of the hundreds of services that are available. Under the hood, these communications are achieved using Azure networking infrastructure. At the core of this infrastructure sits Azure Virtual Network.

If you are a developer, DevOps, or infrastructure professional, understanding Azure networking helps you to correctly (and securely) configure your Azure solutions and to see the bigger picture when doing so. Long story short, networking is the foundation of almost every Azure service we discuss in this book.

The recipes in this chapter are carefully selected to convey key Azure networking concepts. They are also easy to implement using a personal Azure subscription. You can find details on more advanced services such as ExpressRoute, VPNs, and Azure Virtual WAN in this chapter’s GitHub repository.


Similar to other Azure services, Azure networking is continuously changing for the better. Consult the Microsoft documentation for new updates ...

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