Chapter 2. Networking
2.0 Introduction
Many exciting topics, like computer vision, Internet of Things (IoT), and AI-enabled chat bots, dominate headlines. This causes traditional core technologies to be forgotten. While it’s great to have many new capabilities at your fingertips, it is important to realize that these technologies would not be possible without a strong foundation of reliable and secure connectivity. Data processing is useful only if the results are reliably delivered and accessible over a network. Containers are a fantastic application deployment method, but they provide the best experience for users when they are networked together.
Networking services and features within AWS are the backbone to almost all of the big services we cover in this book. AWS has many great features for you to connect what you want, where you want, and how you want. Gaining a better understanding of networking will allow you to have a better grasp of the cloud and therefore to be more comfortable using it.
Keeping up with new networking innovations at AWS requires continuous learning. Each year at AWS re:Invent, many network services, features, and approaches are discussed.
Two suggested viewings of great networking talks from AWS re:Invent are Eric Brandwine’s “Another Day, Another Billion Packets” from 2015 and the annual “From One to Many: Evolving VPC Design” from 2019.
In this chapter, you will learn about essential cloud networking services and features. We will focus only ...
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