Appendix G

8-Bit Intel Hex File Format

The 8-bit Intel hex file format is a printable ASCII format consisting of one or more data records followed by an end-of-file record. Each record consists of one line of information. Data records may appear in any order. Address and data values are represented by 2 or 4 hexadecimal digits.

Record Format

: LL AAAA RR DDDD… … DDDD cc (spaces included for better readability)

Character Description
LL Length field. Number of data bytes.
AAAA Address field. Address of first byte.
RR Record type field. 00 for data and 01 for end of record.
DD Data field.
CC Checksum field. One’s complement of length, address, record type, and data fields modulo 256.


:06 0100 00 010203040506 E4 (spaces ...

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