Dr. Kayton wishes to acknowledge Clarence Asche of Honeywell for photos of inertial instruments, Anthony Bommarito of Wilcox for information about ILS and MLS landing aids, Phil Bruner and Wayne Knitter of Litton Industries for storage of magnetic models in guidance computers, Dennis Cooper, FAA representative in Moscow, for information about Russian air traffic control. Walter Fried for his contributions to Chapters 1, 2, and 9, Professors Frank von Graas and Per Enge for information about GPS landing aids, Dr. James Huddle of Litton Guidance and Control for information about mechanization techniques, Dr. David Y. Hsu of Litton Guidance and Control for using his software to calculate CEPs, the International Civil Aviation Organization for information about worldwide airspace regulations, Jeppesen-Sanderson for information about digital aeronautical maps, Dr. Robert Kelly, formerly of Bendix Communications for the definition of airways based on required navigation performance, Bob Knutson of Honeywell for information about air data, Dan Martinec of ARINC for publications, Harold Moses of RTCA for specifications, Bill Murray and Erv Ulbrich of McDonnell-Douglas for drawings, Norman Peddie and John Quinn of USGS for information about magnetic models, Walter Schoppe for information about naval communication links, and David Scull for various government documents.
Dr. Kayton included Willis Wing as a co-author of Chapter 9 because so much of his first edition material ...
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