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1. Chaoming Song, Ping Wang and Hernán A Makse,
‘A Phase Diagram for Jammed Matter’, Nature, 453
(7195), 29 May 2008, pp 629–32.
2. Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström et al, ‘Jammed
Architectural Structures: Towards Large-scale
Reversible Construction’, Granular Matter, 18 (2),
2016, pp 1–12.
3. The authors would like to thank their supporters
at ETH Zurich and the Department of Architecture
as well as the ETH Zurich Foundation. The work was
co-supported by MIT’s Department of Architecture,
the MIT International Design Center, and an MIT
International Science and Technology Initiative (MISTI)
grant. We would also like to thank the selected
experts: Professor Dr Hans J Herrmann and Dr Falk
K Wittel (ETH Zurich), Professor Heinrich Jaeger and
Kieran Murphy (Chicago University), Walt + Galmarini
AG and the researchers at MIT and ETH who have
contributed to the presented projects: Andreas Thoma
(project lead Rock Print installation), Volker Helm,
Sara Falcone, Lina Kara’in, Michael Lyrenmann, Georg
Varnavides, Carrie McKnelly, Stephane de Weck, Jan
Willmann, Dimitrios Mairopoulos, Mary Davidge,
Drew Wenzel, Frances Ball, Michelle Kaufmann and
Nash Hurley.
Continuing Explorations of Granular Jamming
The projects here demonstrate ...

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