B Referenzen
[ASPICE3] Automotive SPICE® Process Assessment/Reference Model, VDA QMC Working Group 13/Automotive SIG, Version 3.0, www.automotivespice.com
[Besemer et al. 14] Besemer, F.; Karasch, T.; Metz, P.; Pfeffer, J.: Clarifying Myths with Process Maturity Models vs. Agile. White Paper, 2014, verfügbar unter http://www.intacs.info/index.php/110-news/latest-news/183-white-paper-spice-vs-agile-published
[Bühler & Metz 16] Persönlicher fachlicher Austausch mit Matthias Bühler, Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co KG, 2016
[Clements & Northrop 02] Clements, P.; Northrop, L.: Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns. SEI Series in Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 2002
[Dornseiff & Metz 15] Persönlicher fachlicher Austausch mit Manfred Dornseiff, ...
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