Book description
"I've been using AutoCAD for 22 years and have written a hundred books on the subject. I reviewed many CAD books back in the days when book reviews were common in CAD publications; some were innovative, others were just sad. But for nearly a decade, it's been mostly silence on the book review front. Then earlier in the summer, a book arrived in the mail from Sybex: AutoCAD Secrets Every User Should Know by Dan Abbott. Reading it, I got excited: here's a book for every AutoCAD user, even old-timers like me." - Ralph Grabowski, Editor, The Business of CAD
Learn the "why" behind the "how" in this one-of-a-kind reference packed with tips and techniques from award-winning AutoCAD expert Dan Abbott. This info-packed guide reveals some of the best kept AutoCAD secrets on technical standards, AutoLISP programming, DOS functions, scripts, 3D, and everything in between. Based on his popular "Things Every AutoCAD User Should Know" session at Autodesk University and other industry events, Dan gives you the answers to frequently asked AutoCAD questions in his direct and entertaining style while using real-world case studies to put your skills into practice. Read it cover to cover or dive right in to the sections you need most, then get ready to improve your productivity, save more time, and become an AutoCAD all-star.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
1. AutoCAD Productivity
- 1.1. Design Standards
1.2. AutoCAD Best Practices
- 1.2.1. Use the Help System
- 1.2.2. Use Blocks as Often as Possible
- 1.2.3. Never Override Dimension Values
- 1.2.4. Use Layers with Logical and Consistent Names
- 1.2.5. Set All Properties to ByLayer
- 1.2.6. Use the Drafting Tools
- 1.2.7. Plot from Layouts in Paper Space
- 1.2.8. Draw Perfectly—Somebody Will Assume You Did
- 1.2.9. Set Text Height to 0
- 1.2.10. Don't Use the Name Standard
- 1.2.11. Be Cautious When Using REFEDIT
- 1.2.12. Beware When Moving or Renaming Files
- 1.2.13. Control Imperial vs. Metric Settings
- 1.2.14. Learn to Use QSELECT
- 1.2.15. Create Tool Palettes to Enforce Standards
1.3. Feature Review (All Releases)
- 1.3.1. Drawing Efficiency
- 1.3.2. Extracting Information from Drawings
- 1.3.3. The Save Options
- 1.3.4. Edit Commands
- 1.3.5. Dimensions
- 1.3.6. Settings Commands
- 1.3.7. Display Commands
- 1.3.8. Utilities
- 1.3.9. Express Tools
- 2. Managing Your System
- 3. Customizing the AutoCAD Interface
4. Applying Graphics Standards
- 4.1. Dimensions
- 4.2. Dimensioning Rules
- 4.3. Text Styles
- 4.4. Linetypes and Weights
- 4.5. Applying Standards
- 5. Symbols, Tables, and Fields
6. Plotting
6.1. Model Space, Paper Space, and Layouts
- 6.1.1. Geometry Creation
- 6.1.2. Block Design
- 6.1.3. Definitions
- 6.1.4. Drawbacks of Using Paper Space
6.1.5. Advantages of Using Paper Space
- Multiple Views of 3D Objects Can Be Plotted on One Sheet
- Multiple Details Can Be Presented at Different Scales
- Fewer Variables to Be Calculated
- Plotting Is Much More Consistent
- Layouts Can Be Changed Without Changing the Location of Geometry
- Multiple Layouts Can Be Included Within a Single Drawing File
- Views Can Display Different Layers on a Single Sheet
- Plotting Information Is Stored in the Drawing
- The Display of Objects Can Be Clipped
- Layouts Can Be Copied Within and Between Drawings
- 6.1.6. Preparing a Drawing for Plotting
- 6.2. What to Put Where
- 6.3. Plotting a Layout
- 6.4. AutoCAD Graphics in Other Applications
6.1. Model Space, Paper Space, and Layouts
7. AutoCAD Scripts
- 7.1. Characteristics of Scripts
- 7.2. Writing and Running Scripts
7.3. Updating Thousands of Drawings
- 7.3.1. Batch File
- 7.3.2. Script File
- 7.3.3. AutoLISP File
- 7.3.4. Putting Them All Together
- 7.3.5. Other Possibilities
8. AutoLISP by Example: Getting Started
- 8.1. Background
- 8.2. Writing AutoLISP Programs
8.3. AutoLISP Examples
- 8.3.1. ZX Command
- 8.3.2. Defining Other New Commands
- 8.3.3. GET Functions
- 8.3.4. Creating New Points
- 8.3.5. Performing Calculations
- 8.4. Automatic Loading
- 9. AutoLISP by Example: Getting Better
- 10. 3D For Everyone
11. AutoCAD Puzzlers
11.1. The Puzzlers
- 11.1.1. Puzzler 1: Disappearing Preview
- 11.1.2. Puzzler 2: Broken Absolute Coordinates?
- 11.1.3. Puzzler 3: Lost Hatch Boundary
- 11.1.4. Puzzler 4: Hatch Edit Problems
- 11.1.5. Puzzler 5: Entities Stuck on a Layer
- 11.1.6. Puzzler 6: Disabled Viewport Locking
- 11.1.7. Puzzler 7: Broken Delete Key
- 11.1.8. Puzzler 8: Once and Done
- 11.1.9. Puzzler 9: Dense Hatch
- 11.1.10. Puzzler 10: Missing Folders
- 11.1.11. Puzzler 11: What Working Set?
- 11.1.12. Puzzler 12: Broken AutoLISP Program
- 11.1.13. Puzzler 13: AutoLISP Program Still Broken
- 11.1.14. Puzzler 14: The 30-Inch Building
- 11.1.15. Puzzler 15: Mysterious Line Lengths
- 11.1.16. Puzzler 16: Missing Linetypes
- 11.1.17. Puzzler 17: Blocks Scale Themselves
- 11.1.18. Puzzler 18: What Came First?
- 11.1.19. Puzzler 19: Can't Turn on Toolbars
- 11.1.20. Puzzler 21: Tiny Dimensions
- 11.1.21. Puzzler 22: Tiny Dimension Text
- 11.1.22. Puzzler 23: Sideways Text
- 11.1.23. Puzzler 24: Can't Select a Viewport
- 11.1.24. Puzzler 25: No Warnings
- 11.1.25. Puzzler 26: Which File Format?
- 11.1.26. Puzzler 27: Unextrudable Polyline
- 11.1.27. Puzzler 28: Which Variable Changed?
- 11.1.28. Puzzler 29: Blown-Up Batting
- 11.1.29. Puzzler 30: Dimension Nightmare
- 11.1.30. Puzzler 31: Entities upon Entities
- 11.1.31. Puzzler 32: Overkill in AutoLISP
- 11.1.32. Puzzler 33: No CHSPACE
- 11.1.33. Puzzler 34: Invisible Block Reference
- 11.1.34. Puzzler 35: Bound XRef Blows Up
11.2. The Solutions
- 11.2.1. Puzzler 1: Disappearing Preview
- 11.2.2. Puzzler 2: Broken Absolute Coordinates?
- 11.2.3. Puzzler 3: Lost Hatch Boundary
- 11.2.4. Puzzler 4: Hatch Edit Problems
- 11.2.5. Puzzler 5: Entities Stuck on a Layer
- 11.2.6. Puzzler 6: Disabled Viewport Locking
- 11.2.7. Puzzler 7: Broken Delete Key
- 11.2.8. Puzzler 8: Once and Done
- 11.2.9. Puzzler 9: Dense Hatch
- 11.2.10. Puzzler 10: Missing Folders
- 11.2.11. Puzzler 11: What Working Set?
- 11.2.12. Puzzler 12: Broken AutoLISP Program
- 11.2.13. Puzzler 13: AutoLISP Program Still Broken
- 11.2.14. Puzzler 14: The 30-Inch Building
- 11.2.15. Puzzler 15: Mysterious Line Lengths
- 11.2.16. Puzzler 16: Missing Linetypes
- 11.2.17. Puzzler 17: Blocks Scale Themselves
- 11.2.18. Puzzler 18: What Came First?
- 11.2.19. Puzzler 19: Can't Turn On Toolbars
- 11.2.20. Puzzler 21: Tiny Dimensions
- 11.2.21. Puzzler 22: Tiny Dimension Text
- 11.2.22. Puzzler 23: Sideways Text
- 11.2.23. Puzzler 24: Can't Select a Viewport
- 11.2.24. Puzzler 25: No Warnings
- 11.2.25. Puzzler 26: Which File Format?
- 11.2.26. Puzzler 27: Unextrudable Polyline
- 11.2.27. Puzzler 28: Which Variable Changed?
- 11.2.28. Puzzler 29: Blown-Up Batting
- 11.2.29. Puzzler 30: Dimension Nightmare
- 11.2.30. Puzzler 31: Entities upon Entities
- 11.2.31. Puzzler 32: Overkill in AutoLISP
- 11.2.32. Puzzler 33: No CHSPACE
- 11.2.33. Puzzler 34: Invisible Block Reference
- 11.2.34. Puzzler 35: Bound XRef Blows Up
11.1. The Puzzlers
A. Feature Review: By Release
- A.1. AutoCAD 2000
- A.2. AutoCAD 2000i
- A.3. AutoCAD 2002
A.4. AutoCAD 2004
- A.4.1. File Format
- A.4.2. REFEDIT
- A.4.3. Tool Palettes
- A.4.4. DesignCenter Online
- A.4.5. Express Tools
- A.4.6. Gradient Effects
- A.4.7. True Color, PANTONE, DIC, and RAL Support
- A.4.8. Communications Center
- A.4.9. Publishing Multiple Sheets
- A.4.10. Shaded and Rendered Output
- A.4.11. New Features Workshop
- A.4.12. Software Management
- A.5. AutoCAD 2005
A.6. AutoCAD 2006
- A.6.1. Dynamic Blocks
- A.6.2. Dynamic Input
- A.6.3. Dimensioning
- A.6.4. Hatch Enhancements
- A.6.5. QuickCalc
- A.6.6. Table Calculations
- A.6.7. MTEXT Editor
- A.6.8. DTEXT Editor
- A.6.9. Locked Toolbars and Palettes
- A.6.10. Editable Scale List
- A.6.11. Command Enhancements
- A.6.12. JOIN
- A.6.13. FILLET and CHAMFER
- A.6.14. ROTATE and SCALE
- A.6.15. TRIM and EXTEND
- A.6.16. STRETCH
- A.6.17. Customization: CUI Command and CUI Files
- A.6.18. Workspaces
- A.7. AutoCAD 2007
- A.8. Beyond AutoCAD 2007
- B. Selected DOS Functions
- C. AutoCAD File Extensions
Product information
- Title: Autocad®: Secrets Every User Should Know
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2007
- Publisher(s): Sybex
- ISBN: 9780470109939
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