Editing Entities

Drawing in AutoCAD is not just about creating lines, rectangles, circles, and other shapes. Most of your time will be spent editing entities. Although AutoCAD provides the basic tools for transforming shapes, such as Move, Copy, Rotate, and Scale, more complex editing tools are also available, such as Array, Trim, Extend, Lengthen, Stretch, Offset, Mirror, Break, Join, and Overkill.

  • Creating selection sets
  • Move and Copy
  • Rotate and Scale
  • Arrays
  • Trim and Extend
  • Lengthen and Stretch
  • Offset and Mirror
  • Grip editing

There is a distinction in AutoCAD Architecture (a program based on AutoCAD with additional architecture-specific functionality) between entity and object: entities are geometric (line, circle, and so on) and ...

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