Book description
Auditing: Principles and Techniques is an attempt to explain the concepts, principles and techniques of auditing, and their applications in practical situations, in a simple and lucid language. The primary object of writing this book is to meet the requirements of undergraduate students of commerce stream for all the Universities in India. However, this book will also be very useful for the students doing M.Com, C.A., MBA and other professional courses. This book is also useful for a layman who is interested in knowing basics of auditing principles and techniques.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Contents
- Preface
Chapter 1. Nature of Auditing
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Origin of the Word ‘Audit’
- 1.3 Early History of Audit
- 1.4 Auditing Defined
- 1.5 Essential Features of Auditing
- 1.6 Why Is There a Need for an Audit?
- 1.7 Objective of an Audit
- 1.8 Errors and Frauds in Accounting
- 1.9 Role of Auditors in Detecting Errors and Frauds
- 1.10 Relation between Book-keeping, Accountancy and Auditing
- 1.11 Basic Principles Governing an Audit
- 1.12 Postulates of Auditng
- 1.13 Scope and Procedures of Audit
- 1.14 Changes in the Concept of Auditing
- 1.15 Social Objectives of Audit
- 1.16 Advantages of Auditing
- 1.17 Limitations of Auditing
- 1.18 Qualities of an Auditor
- 1.19 Auditing and Other Services
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
- Chapter 2. Classification of Auditing
- Chapter 3. Techniques and Procedures of Auditing
- Chapter 4. Internal Control, Internal Check and Internal Audit
Chapter 5. Vouching
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Concept of Vouching
- 5.3 Objectives of Vouching
- 5.4 Importance of Vouching
- 5.5 Vouching and Verification
- 5.6 Vouching and Routine Checking
- 5.7 Concept of Voucher
- 5.8 Internal and External Evidence
- 5.9 General Principles of Vouching
- 5.10 Teeming and Lading: A Challenge to Vouching
- 5.11 Vouching of Different Types of Transactions
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
Chapter 6. Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Meaning of Verification of Assets
- 6.3 Meaning of Valuation of Assets
- 6.4 Difference between Verification and Valuation
- 6.5 Importance of Verification of Assets
- 6.6 Importance of Valuation of Assets
- 6.7 General Principles for Verification and Valuation of Assets
- 6.8 Problems in Verification
- 6.9 Problems in Valuation
- 6.10 Window Dressing—A Challenge to Verification
- 6.11 Verification and Valuation of Assets
- 6.12 Verification and Valuation of Intangible Assets
- 6.13 Verification and Valuation of Fixed Assets
- 6.14 Verification and Valuation of Investments
- 6.15 Verification and Valuation of Current Assets
- 6.16 Verification and Valuation of Fictitious Assets
- 6.17 Verification and Valuation of Contingent Assets
- 6.18 Verification and Valuation of Liabilities
- 6.19 Verification and Valuation of Fixed or Long Term Liabilities
- 6.20 Verification and Valuation of Current Liabilities
- 6.21 Verification and Valuation of Contingent Liabilities
- 6.22 Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date
- 6.23 Prior Period and Extraordinary Items and Changes in Accounting Policies
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
Chapter 7. Depreciation
- 7.1 Definition of Depreciation
- 7.2 Purposes of Providing Depreciation
- 7.3 Causes of Depreciation
- 7.4 Basis of Charging Depreciation
- 7.5 Quantum of Depreciation
- 7.6 Distinction between Depreciation and Amortisation
- 7.7 Different Methods of Depreciation
- 7.8 Depreciation Accounting as per AS-6
- 7.9 Accounting Disclosure Requirement
- 7.10 Legal Necessity of Provision for Depreciation
- 7.11 Provision for Depreciation for Past Years
- 7.12 Depreciation on Low Value Items
- 7.13 Depreciation on Wasting Assets
- 7.14 Change in the Method of Depreciation
- 7.15 Auditor’s Duty as Regards Depreciation
- 7.16 Legal Views as Regards Depreciation
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
- Chapter 8. Reserves and Provisions
Chapter 9. Company Audit
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Preliminaries before Commencement of Company Audit
- 9.3 Audit of Share Capital Transactions
- 9.4 Audit of Debentures
- 9.5 Audit of Holding Company
- 9.6 Audit of Pre-incorporation Profit
- 9.7 Specific Provisions for Accounts in the Companies Act
- 9.8 Payment of Interest Out of Capital
- 9.9 Special Requirements of Company Audit
- 9.10 Company Auditor
- 9.11 Special Auditor
- 9.12 Branch Auditor
- 9.13 Joint Auditor
- 9.14 Legal Views on Auditor’s Liability
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
- Annexure
Chapter 10. Divisible Profits and Dividends
- 10.1 Meaning of Divisible Profit
- 10.2 Meaning of Dividend
- 10.3 Concept of Profit
- 10.4 Profit vs Divisible Profit
- 10.5 Principal Determinants of Divisible Profit
- 10.6 Companies Act Relating to Payment of Dividend
- 10.7 Companies Act Regarding Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividend
- 10.8 Payment of Dividend Out of Capital Profit
- 10.9 Payment of Dividend Out of Capital
- 10.10 General Guidelines for Distribution of Dividend
- 10.11 Articles of Association Regarding Dividend
- 10.12 Auditor’s Duty as Regards Payment of Dividend
- 10.13 Payment of Interim Dividend and the Role of Auditors
- 10.14 Legal Views as Regards Dividend
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
Chapter 11. Audit Report and Certificate
- 11.1 Definition of Report
- 11.2 Definition of Audit Report
- 11.3 Value of Audit Report
- 11.4 Essentials of Good Audit Report
- 11.5 Scope of Audit Report
- 11.6 Signing of the Audit Report
- 11.7 Contents of Audit Report
- 11.8 Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003
- 11.9 Forms of Audit Report
- 11.10 Audit Report and Audit Certificate
- 11.11 Types of Auditor’s Report
- 11.12 Qualified Audit Report
- 11.13 Types of Audit Certificate
- 11.14 Auditor’s Report and ‘True and Fair View’
- 11.15 Specimen of Clean Audit Report
- 11.16 Specimen of Qualified Audit Report
- 11.17 Legal Views as Regards Audit Report
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
- Chapter 12. Audit of Banks
Chapter 13. Audit of Insurance Companies
- 13.1 Audit of Companies Carrying on Life Insurance Business
- 13.2 Audit of Companies Carrying on General Insurance Business
- 13.3 Applicability of Accounting Standards
- 13.4 Books and Registers to be Maintained
- 13.5 Submission of Reports and Returns
- 13.6 Audit of Accounts
- 13.7 Preparation for the Audit
- 13.8 Internal Controls
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
- Annexure
Chapter 14. Investigation
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 Definition
- 14.3 Objectives or Purposes of Investigation
- 14.4 Features of Investigation
- 14.5 Terms of Reference
- 14.6 Working Methods
- 14.7 Duties of an Investigator
- 14.8 Investigation Report
- 14.9 Qualities of an Investigator
- 14.10 Difference between Investigation and Auditing
- 14.11 Types of Investigations
- 14.12 Legal Views as Regards Investigation
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
Chapter 15. New Areas of Auditing
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Cost Audit
- 15.3 Management Audit
- 15.4 Human Resource Audit
- 15.5 Operational Audit
- 15.6 Forecast Audit
- 15.7 Social Audit
- 15.8 Tax Audit
- 15.9 Forensic Audit
- 15.10 Environmental (Green) Audit
- 15.11 Audit Committee
- 15.12 Accounting Standards
- 15.13 Auditing and Assurance Standards
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
- Chapter 16. Professional Ethics and Misconduct
Chapter 17. Special Audit
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 Audit of Charitable Societies
- 17.3 Audit of Cinema Halls
- 17.4 Audit of Clubs
- 17.5 Audit of Co-operative Societies
- 17.6 Audit of Educational Institutions
- 17.7 Audit of Hotels
- 17.8 Audit of Hospitals
- 17.9 Audit of Libraries
- 17.10 Audit of Nursing Homes
- 17.11 Audit of Travel Agencies
- 17.12 Audit of College Hostels
- 17.13 Audit of Publishing Concerns
- 17.14 Concluding Remarks
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
Chapter 18. Audit of Soleproprietorship and Partnership Firm
- 18.1 Introduction
- 18.2 Audit of Sole-proprietorship Business
- 18.3 Audit of Partnership Firm
- 18.4 Salient Features of Audit of Accounts of Sole-proprietorship and Partnership Firm
- 18.5 Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Auditor of a Sole-proprietorship or Partnership Firm
- 18.6 Position of Auditor of a Soleproprietorship or Partnership Firm
- 18.7 Reports on Accounts of Individual or Partnership Firm
- 18.8 Comparison of Company Audit with the Audit of Sole-proprietorship and Partnership Firm
- 18.9 Legal Views as Regards Audit of Individual and Firm
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
Chapter 19. Audit of the Accounts of Government and Public Sector Undertakings
- 19.1 Introduction
- 19.2 Audit of Public Sector Undertakings
- 19.3 Distinction between Audit of Public Sector Undertakings and Audit of Private Sector Undertakings
- 19.4 Government Audit
- 19.5 Distinction between Government Audit and Commercial Audit
- 19.6 Comptroller and Auditor General of India
- Points to Ponder
- Review Questions
- Chapter 20. Auditing in an EDP Environment
- Annexures
- Copyright
Product information
- Title: Auditing: Principles and Techniques
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2005
- Publisher(s): Pearson India
- ISBN: 9788177581782
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