© Igor Livshin 2019
Igor LivshinArtificial Neural Networks with Javahttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4421-0_11

11. The Importance of Selecting the Correct Model

Igor Livshin1 
Chicago, IL, USA

The example discussed in this chapter will end up showing a negative result. However, you can learn a lot from mistakes like this.

Example 7: Predicting Next Month’s Stock Market Price

In this example, you will try to predict next month’s price of the SPY exchange-traded fund (ETF); this is the ETF that mimics the S&P 500 stock market index. Someone’s rational for developing such a project could be something like this:

“We know that market prices are random, jumping daily up and down and reacting to different news. However, we are using the monthly prices, ...

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