Artificial Intelligence - Ethical, social, and security impacts for the present and the future

Book description

A global perspective on AI

AI is much more than just a simple tool powering our smartphones or allowing us to ask Alexa about the latest cinema times. It is a technology that is, in very subtle but unmistakable ways, exerting an ever-increasing influence over our lives – and the more we use it, the more AI is altering our existence.

The rise of AI and super-intelligent AI raises ethical issues. AI is the power behind Google’s search engine, enables social media sites to serve up targeted advertising, and gives Alexa and Siri their voices. It is also the technology enabling self-driving vehicles, predictive policing, and autonomous weapons that have the ability to kill without direct human intervention. All of these bring up complex ethical issues that are still unresolved and will continue to be the subject of ongoing debate.

There are untold how-to books on AI technology, replete with methods to improve and advance the statistics and algorithms of AI; however, the social, ethical and security impacts are often at best a secondary consideration – if discussed at all.

This book explores the complex topic of AI ethics in a cross-functional way, alternating between theory and practice. Practical and recent events, and their associated challenges, are presented, such as the collateral effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the application of AI technologies. The book also gives an up-to-date overview of the potential positive and negative outcomes of AI implementations together with an analysis of AI from an ethical perspective.

Before you dive into a world populated with AI, read this book to understand the associated ethical challenges of AI technologies

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Foreword
  5. About the Author
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. Contents
  8. Introduction
  9. Chapter 1: AI defined and common depictions of AI – Is it a benevolent force for humanity or an existential threat?
    1. A very brief history of AI – and perceptions of AI
    2. What exactly is AI?
    3. AI learning styles
    4. Back to the original question
  10. Chapter 2: Is AI really ubiquitous – Does it or will it permeate everything we do?
    1. Ubiquitous AI
    2. What is allowing AI to become almost a “common utility”?
    3. What makes people refer to AI as ubiquitous?
  11. Chapter 3: Human-machine collaboration – Can we talk to them in English (or any other language)?
    1. The “Age of With™”
    2. The five Ts of human-machine collaboration
    3. Types of human-machine collaboration
    4. How can humans and machines communicate?
    5. Challenges to human-machine collaboration
  12. Chapter 4: AI, ethics, and society – Are they compatible?
    1. How do ethics relate to AI?
    2. Potential positive ethical and security/safety impacts of AI
    3. AI in the time of COVID
    4. Potential negative ethical and security/safety impacts of AI
    5. The reasons it is difficult for humans to fully address these potential challenges from AI
  13. Chapter 5: Bias in AI – Why is it important and potentially dangerous?
    1. Where does AI bias come from?
    2. Real-life examples of bias in AI
    3. Can AI’s decisions be less biased than human ones?
    4. Identifying and removing bias in AI
  14. Chapter 6: AI and cybersecurity – AI as a sword or a shield?
    1. AI as a sword
    2. AI as a shield
    3. It’s more than just AI tools
  15. Chapter 7: AI and our society – Will the result be professional, ethical, and social deskilling, or upskilling?
    1. Professional deskilling and upskilling
    2. Ethical deskilling and upskilling
    3. Social deskilling and upskilling
  16. Chapter 8: AI and privacy – Is anything really private anymore?
    1. Privacy and security
    2. Data privacy
    3. Monitoring and surveillance
    4. Privacy laws and regulations in the age of AI
  17. Chapter 9: Misinformation, disinformation, fake news, manipulation, and deepfakes – Do we know how to think critically about information?
    1. Misinformation
    2. Disinformation
    3. User manipulation
    4. Thinking critically about information and information sources
    5. Become a digital detective
  18. Chapter 10: AI and social media – How is it affecting us?
    1. What is the relationship between social media and AI?
    2. The unforeseen effects of AI and social media
  19. Chapter 11: “The measure of a man” – Can AI become more like a human?
    1. What does it mean to be “human”?
    2. Applying human characteristics to AI
    3. But can AI be considered alive?
    4. AI – A new species
  20. Chapter 12: What’s next in AI – Less artificial and more intelligent?
    1. The future of AI – What comes next?
    2. A primer for integrating ethics and safety into new AI developments
    3. Policy and legal considerations
  21. Chapter 13: Final thoughts
  22. Further reading
  23. Figures
  24. Tables

Product information

  • Title: Artificial Intelligence - Ethical, social, and security impacts for the present and the future
  • Author(s): Julie Mehan
  • Release date: June 2022
  • Publisher(s): IT Governance Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781787783720