5Enhancing Cybersecurity Ratings Using Artificial Intelligence and DevOps Technologies

Vishwas Pitre1, Ashish Joshi1, Satya Saladi2, and Suman Das3

1Information Security, Zensar Technologies, Pune, India

2Information Security, Zensar Technologies, Hyderabad, India

3Information Security, Zensar Technologies, Kolkata, India

5.1 Introduction

As internet has become an essential part of today’s lifestyle or generation, all the organizations and businesses have moved to digital frameworks to expand their business so that it can reach each corner of the world. At the same time as majority of the business has moved to digital frameworks, it is has become vulnerable to cyberattacks, which are increasing day by day and business suffers huge reputation as well as revenue. As per reports [1], United States found that nearly a quarter of companies that have experienced a cyberattack have lost between 50,000 and 99,999 US dollars. Among the surveyed companies, another 22% reported losing between 100,000 and 499,999 US dollars. Overall, four percent have lost more than 1 million US dollars in a cyberattack. The count is much more in the global market. Over the past couple of years, particularly, IT companies had developed strategies for assessing their Infrastructure, Digital Systems be it Web Applications or Mobile Applications, Network Devices, Source Code (through DevSecOps implementation) etc., engaging in Red and Blue Teaming activities, to ensure if all their ecosystem is secure enough ...

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