
General Map Symbols

A page shows the list of general map symbols used throughout the book. These include: nonproducible oil show, nonproducible gas show, dry hole, oil show, gas show, oil completion, gas completion, well off production, temporarily abandoned, shut in, plugged and abandoned, horizon faulted out, horizon shaled out, normal fault, reverse fault, unconformity, permeability barrier, shale out, gas/water contact, gas/oil contact, and oil water contact.

Figure A-1 Map symbols.

A map constructed using the interpretive contouring technique is shown. Depths are marked using numbers.

Figure A-2 Map constructed using the interpretive contouring technique. (Reproduced from Analysis of Geologic Structures by John M. Dennison, by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Copyright © 1968 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.)

A map constructed using the mechanical contouring technique is shown. Depths are marked using numbers.

Figure A-3 Map constructed using the mechanical contouring technique. (Reproduced from Analysis of Geologic Structures by John M. Dennison, by permission ...

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