Appendix A Description of Notation Used in Formulae and Metrics

Subscripts of variables
i, j individual element (point, quadrat, line, or patch) or individual measurement
j, k class of similar elements (species or patch types)
a value of the Hill series
x number of points
v condition of a transition process
General symbols
α, β, γ parameters or coefficients of equations
x, y variables
n number of landscape elements, individuals, or measurements considered in the analysis
t time
m number of classes (patch types) in the landscape
S number of species in the area considered
Xi, Yi Cartesian coordinates of point i
di distance from i to its nearest neighbor
dij distance between i and j
A area
L length of a line or of a patch
P perimeter of a patch
p probability of a certain event
r radius of a circle
pj proportion of class j
pjk proportion of class j in the first group in class k in the second group
Population statistics
N total population size
Nj size of population of species j
Njk size of population of species j in habitat k
N.k size of population of all species in habitat k
K carrying capacity
T e time for local extinction
ε per capita birth rate
μ per capita mortality rate
σ colonization rate
ϕ extinction rate
p eq proportion of equilibrium ...

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