CHAPTER 1The Threat Landscape
Before we delve into the details of incident response, it is worth understanding the motivations and methods of various threat actors. Gone are the days when organizations could hope to live in obscurity on the Internet, believing that the data they held was not worth the time and resources for an attacker to exploit. The unfortunate reality is that all organizations are subject to being swept up in the large number of organized, wide‐scale attack campaigns. Nation‐states seek to acquire intelligence, position themselves within supply chains, or maintain target profiles for future activity. Organized crime groups seek to make money through fraud, ransom, extortion, or other means. So no system is too small to be a viable target. Understanding the motivations and methods of attackers helps network defenders prepare for and respond to the inevitable IT security incident.
Attacker Motivations
Attackers may be motivated by many factors, and as an incident responder you'll rarely know the motivation at the beginning of an incident and possibly never determine the true motivation behind an attack. Attribution of an attack is difficult at best and often impossible. Although threat intelligence provides vital clues by cataloging tactics, techniques, procedures and tools of various threat actor groups, the very fact that these pieces of intelligence exist creates the real possibility of false flags, counterintelligence, and disinformation being used by ...
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