Basic Protocols


A common cryptographic technique is to encrypt each individual conversation with a separate key. This is called a session key, because it is used for only one particular communications session. As discussed in Section 8.5, session keys are useful because they only exist for the duration of the communication. How this common session key gets into the hands of the conversants can be a complicated matter.

Key Exchange with Symmetric Cryptography

This protocol assumes that Alice and Bob, users on a network, each share a secret key with the Key Distribution Center (KDC) [1260]—Trent in our protocols. These keys must be in place before the start of the protocol. (The protocol ignores the very real problem of how to distribute these secret keys; just assume they are in place and Mallory has no idea what they are.)

  • (1) Alice calls Trent and requests a session key to communicate with Bob.
  • (2) Trent generates a random session key. He encrypts two copies of it: one in Alice's key and the other in Bob's key. Trent sends both copies to Alice.
  • (3) Alice decrypts her copy of the session key.
  • (4) Alice sends Bob his copy of the session key.
  • (5) Bob decrypts his copy of the session key.
  • (6) Both Alice and Bob use this session key to communicate securely.

This protocol relies on the absolute security of Trent, who is more likely to be a trusted computer program than a trusted individual. If Mallory corrupts Trent, the whole network is compromised. He ...

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