A block
is one or more lines of code demarcated from its surroundings as having a separate nature or purpose. A block is announced by a line stating what type of block it is; then comes the code of the block; and finally the block is terminated by a line starting with the keyword end
. Blocks can occur within blocks.
It's very easy to spot a block in AppleScript code, because in decompiled code its lines are indented from the announcement line and the termination line. For example:
myHandler( ) on myHandler( ) repeat 3 times display dialog "Howdy" end repeat end myHandler
That code contains two blocks. One is announced with the on myHandler
line, and is terminated by the end myHandler
line; everything in between them is the code of that block. That code consists of another block, announced with the repeat
line and terminated by the end repeat
line; the line of code in between them is the code of that block.
In this book I frequently refer to such blocks by their announcement keyword; for example, I might say "a repeat block."
Some blocks (just two, actually—tell blocks and if blocks) have single-line variants. This permits some rather twisted condensed syntax. For example:
tell application "Finder" if exists folder "Mannie" then reveal folder "Mannie" end if end tell
You can reduce one or both of those blocks to a single line. So, this is legal (but I never talk this way, and I don't recommend you do either):
tell application "Finder" to if exists folder "Mannie" then reveal folder ...
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