Chapter 2. Hello Angular
In the previous chapter, we got a very quick overview of Angular and its features, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to set up our local environment for developing any Angular application. In this chapter, we will go through the various parts of an Angular application by creating a very simple application from scratch. Through the use of this application, we will cover some of the basic terminologies and concepts like modules, components, data and event binding, and passing data to and from components.
We will start with a very simple stock market application, which allows us to see a list of stocks, each with its own name, stock code, and price. During the course of this chapter, we will see how to package rendering a stock into an individual, reusable component, and how to work with Angular event and data binding.
Starting Your First Angular Project
As mentioned in the previous chapter, we will heavily rely on the Angular CLI to help us bootstrap and develop our application. I will assume that you have already followed the initial setup instructions in the previous chapter and have Node.js, TypeScript, and the Angular CLI installed in your development environment.
Creating a new application is as simple as running the following command:
ng new stock-market
When you run this command, it will automatically generate a skeleton application under the folder stock-market with a bunch of files, and install all the necessary dependencies for the Angular ...
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