Data representation with pie and doughnut charts

A pie chart (or a circle chart) is a circular statical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate the numerical proportion of composite data. The arch length of each slice is equal to the quantity of data entity. A basic example of the pie chart usage regarding the Prime libraries downloads would be as follows:

<p-chart #pie type="pie" [data]="piedata" width="300" height="100"></p-chart>

The component class should define the pie chart data with three slices for three prime libraries over the period of time, as shown here:

this.piedata = {  labels: ['PrimeNG', 'PrimeUI', 'PrimeReact'],  datasets: [    {      data: [3000, 1000, 2000],      backgroundColor: [        "#6544a9",        "#51cc00",        "#5d4361"      ],      

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