Literary References


  1. Beer, S; Beyond Dispute (1994) (Wiley).

  2. Beer, S; Brain of the Firm (1995) (Wiley).

  3. Beer, S; Decision and Control (2000) (Wiley).

  4. Beer, S; Designing Freedom (1974) (Anansi).

  5. Beer, S; The Heart of Enterprise (1995) (Wiley).

  6. Lange, O; Introduction to Economic Cybernetics (1970) (Pergamon Press).

  7. Wiener, N; Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948) (MIT Press).


  1. Badillo, I; Tejeira, R; Morales, O; Briones, A; A Systems Science/Cybernetics Perspective on Contemporary Management in Supply Chains (Chapter 7, Intech) (2015).

  2. Dubberly, H; Pangaro, P; Introduction to Cybernetics and the Design of Systems (2004).

  3. Gill, A; Management Cybernetics (1988).

  4. Haber, J.; Modeling Distributed ...

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