

1. See, for example, Carpenter and Westphal (2001), Carpenter and Wade (2002), and Carpenter and Stajkovic (2006).

2. This survey is conducted annually for over 20 years. This interpretation draws from Burt (1987), and later discussion by Baker (2000, pp. 28–29).

3. I consider the seminal works in this area to include Burt (1992) and Granovetter (1974). Baker (1994, 2000) provides excellent, action-oriented writing on the topic of social capital. Similarly, I consider Cross and Parker (2004) to be the authoritative guide to social networks. Kilduff and Tsai (2004) provide an excellent guide to the academic side of social networks. Finally, a comprehensive social psychological perspective on networks is found in Goleman (2006). ...

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