Chapter 7. Collaboration with Data Sharing

Data sharing is a business necessity to accelerate digital transformation.


Data sharing is the ability to provide access to information for internal and external stakeholders that they can’t access in their own data systems. Data sharing allows stakeholders to access data produced or collected and stored in the producer’s domain and collaborate on shared business goals and priorities. Data organizations are moving away from being a single large monolithic department, which usually causes slow-moving data platforms to small distributed teams to create modular fast-moving data products. This Modern Data Community is an organizational and cultural shift from monolithic data organizations to decoupled, agile, smaller teams.

By building a robust data sharing architecture, data and analytics leaders will have access to the right data at the right time to deliver meaningful business outcomes. Organizations like National Institutes of Health (NIH) have implemented data management and sharing policies to establish that data sharing is a fundamental component of the research process to maximize public access to research results.

Data sharing encourages making use of the information and resources available to us in the present moment wherever it resides and taking action based on that information. The sooner a company starts sharing data and using it to inform their decision making, the more time they will have to deliver business outcomes. ...

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