Chapter 6. Amazon Redshift Machine Learning

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have come from being concepts of science fiction to everyday companions, be it on your mobile device or empowering businesses with the ability to disrupt and enhance existing processes in every segment of decision making.

According to research by GlobalNewsWire, the AI/ML market is projected to grow to a $1.4 trillion industry by 2029. The PwC 2022 AI Business Survey shows 86% of respondents said AI technology is a mainstream part of their company, and 52% of respondents are accelerating adoption for AI/ML.

Here’s an example of how a company using Redshift’s AI/ML capabilities improved their business. Jobcase, a leading online job-search platform for job seekers, needs to perform job matching for more than 110 million registered members across the United States by identifying strong matches to suggest quality jobs for its members. It also helps employers hire qualified workers. Its recommendation system generates specific job listing recommendations, as well as search suggestions and company recommendations. Using AI/ML, Jobcase was able to achieve 5% improvement in member engagement metrics, which translates to an improved member experience, higher member retention, and a corresponding increase in revenue. They were also able to reduce testing time from 1 to 2 months to under a week, eliminated the need to move data to a separate ML environment, improved scalability, and were able to make ...

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