
Book description

Product management naturally incorporates empathy, psychology, and thinking outside the box in pursuit of the best design for products. But how often do you apply those same skills to your relationships with people in your company?

By breaking the art of stakeholder management into simple lessons and frameworks, this practical book shows product managers how to manage the crucial relationships that will help you make an impact and advance your career. You'll learn how to build trusting relationships with stakeholders, optimize your communication for different audiences, get buy-in for your ideas and roadmaps, and have stakeholders appreciate it when you say no.

You'll learn how to:

  • Build and maintain trust with your stakeholders
  • Map your organization and identify the real power players
  • Establish roles and build an extended team that works well together
  • Communicate in a way that speaks to the needs and goals of different stakeholders
  • Get buy-in on your ideas and roadmap
  • Make stakeholders appreciate and support you when you say "no"
  • Sustain buy-in over time
  • Manage difficult stakeholders and personalities

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Table of contents

  1. Contents (1/2)
  2. Contents (2/2)
  3. Preface (1/3)
  4. Preface (2/3)
  5. Preface (3/3)
  6. Chapter 1: Organization
    1. 1.1 Irie’s First Day
      1. How Org Structure Impacts Product Teams
      2. Determine Org Structure and Key Stakeholders
      3. Irie Determines Key Stakeholders
    2. 1.2 Irie Identifies Power Players
      1. Power Players
      2. Upstream Versus Downstream Stakeholders
      3. Moving Power Players Toward Alignment
      4. Irie Identifies Sparks as a Power Player
    3. 1.3 Irie Learns About Decision Making
      1. The Four Types of Decision-Making Cultures
      2. Irie Identifies the Decision-Making Culture at Helthex
    4. 1.4 Irie Determines Decision-Making Authority
      1. The DACI Decision-Making Model
      2. Stakeholder Canvas
      3. Irie Creates a Model for Participative Product Decisions
    5. Takeaways
  7. Chapter 2: People
    1. 2.1 Irie Talks with Stakeholders
      1. Stakeholder Discovery Interviews (1/2)
      2. Stakeholder Discovery Interviews (2/2)
      3. Typical Metrics by Department
      4. Irie Conducts a Stakeholder Interview
    2. 2.2 Irie Adds Decision-Making Styles
      1. Individual Decision-Making Styles
      2. Irie Adds Individual Decision-Making Styles
    3. 2.3 Irie Approaches Busy Stakeholders
      1. The “Unmeeting”
      2. Unmeeting Cautions
      3. Irie Finally Connects with Sparks
    4. Takeaways
  8. Chapter 3: Rapport
    1. 3.1 Irie Needs to Be More Relatable
      1. Relatability (1/2)
      2. Relatability (2/2)
      3. Irie Makes Connections
    2. 3.2 Irie Adds Respect to Her List
      1. Respect
      2. Irie Practices Respect
    3. 3.3 Irie Tries to Take Sparks’s Perspective
      1. Empathy
      2. Irie Demonstrates Empathy
    4. 3.4 Irie Encourages Vulnerability
      1. Vulnerability
      2. Irie Shows Vulnerability
    5. Takeaways
  9. Chapter 4: Trust
    1. 4.1 Irie Needs to Show Her Expertise
      1. Expertise
      2. Irie Demonstrates Her Skills
    2. 4.2 Irie Does Her Research
      1. Confidence
      2. Using Transparency Dimensions
      3. Irie Shows Confidence
    3. 4.3 Irie Demonstrates Ownership
      1. Ownership
      2. Irie Takes Ownership
    4. 4.4 Irie Explains Dependability
      1. Dependability
      2. Delivery Responsibility
      3. Irie Exhibits Dependability
    5. Takeaways
  10. Chapter 5: Roadmap
    1. 5.1 Irie Seeks Organizational Objectives
      1. Workshopping Drives Alignment (1/2)
      2. Workshopping Drives Alignment (2/2)
      3. Irie Workshops Objectives
    2. 5.2 Irie Discovers Shallow Alignment
      1. Mining for Conflict
      2. Product Council
      3. Irie Mines for Conflict
    3. 5.3 Irie Aligns on Product Objectives
      1. Derive Product Objectives from Organizational Objectives
      2. Irie Establishes Product Objectives
    4. 5.4 Irie Co-develops a Product Roadmap
      1. What Is a Product Roadmap?
      2. Irie Proposes a Helthex Roadmap
    5. Takeaways
  11. Chapter 6: Changes
    1. 6.1 Irie Reduces Distractions
      1. Intake Process (1/2)
      2. Intake Process (2/2)
      3. What Constitutes an “Emergency?”
      4. Irie Creates an Intake Process
    2. 6.2 Irie Updates the Roadmap
      1. Roadmap Planning
      2. Roadmap Cycle Length
      3. Irie Pre-aligns with Sparks
    3. 6.3 Irie Creates a Roadmap Routine
      1. Routine Roadmap Reviews
      2. Alignment Decay
      3. Roadmap Review Meetings
      4. Decision Logs
      5. Irie Reviews the Roadmap
    4. 6.4 Irie Receives More Requests
      1. How to Say No Tactfully
      2. When to Escalate
      3. Disagree and Commit
      4. Irie Says No
    5. Takeaways
  12. Chapter 7: Challenges
    1. 7.1 Irie Reviews Her Interactions with Sparks
      1. Dealing with Difficult People
      2. Hearing Bruce’s Architect
      3. Set Relationship Goals
      4. Take Care of Yourself
      5. Escalate
      6. What Gabriel Didn’t Know
      7. Irie Sets Relationship Goals for Sparks
    2. 7.2 Irie Considers Quitting
      1. When to Quit
      2. How to Decide Whether to Quit or Stay
      3. Irie Sets Quitting Criteria
    3. 7.3 Irie Puts Helthex to the Test
    4. Takeaways
  13. Chapter 8: Epilogue
  14. Index
  15. About the Authors
  16. Acknowledgments

Product information

  • Title: Aligned
  • Author(s): Bruce McCarthy, Melissa Appel
  • Release date: May 2024
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781098134426