Chapter 17

Getting More Complex with Imaginary Numbers


Bullet Sparking your math imagination with imaginary numbers

Bullet Performing operations with complex numbers

Bullet Dividing and conquering complex numbers and radicals

Bullet Facing complex solutions in quadratic equations

Bullet Identifying complex roots of polynomials

Imaginary numbers are the results of mathematicians’ imaginations. No, imaginary numbers aren’t real — although is any number real? Can you touch a number (if you don’t count playing with a toddler’s educational toy set)? Can you feel it? Who decided a 9 should be shaped the way it is, and what makes that person right? Does your brain hurt yet?

Mathematicians define real numbers as all the whole numbers, negative and positive numbers, fractions and decimals, radicals — anything you can think of to use in counting, graphing, and comparing amounts. Mathematicians introduced imaginary numbers when they couldn’t finish problems without them. For example, when solving for roots of ...

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