
AI. See Artificial Intelligence

Amazon, 10

Artificial Intelligence (AI), 1, 5, 6, 10, 23, 27, 31, 102, 116, 117, 124

as 4th Revolution, 32

application issues with lawyers, 118–119

as a tool, 23

and Augmented Human Intelligence, 24

vs. deep learning, 6

and employee privacy rules, 36

and employer policies, 40–42

issues with, 28

and prediction, 27

and quantum computing, 123–124

Augmented Human Intelligence, 24

automated assistants, 10, 11

Becker, Michael G., 3

Benioff, Marc, 5

Big Data, 32, 123

blockchain, 86, 93, 111

adverse risks, 88

and Classified Examples, 87, 89,111

and Consensus Number, 91

issues with, 87

owner vs. modeler, 89–90, 93, 94, 111–112

product liability, 92

trade secrets, 92

Brown, Lewis M., 54

business application, 12, ...

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