Chapter 3. Going Beyond the Basics: Detecting Features in Images

In Chapter 2 you learned how to get started with computer vision by creating a simple neural network that matched the input pixels of the Fashion MNIST dataset to 10 labels, each representing a type (or class) of clothing. And while you created a network that was pretty good at detecting clothing types, there was a clear drawback. Your neural network was trained on small monochrome images that each contained only a single item of clothing, and that item was centered within the image.

To take the model to the next level, you need to be able to detect features in images. So, for example, instead of looking merely at the raw pixels in the image, what if we could have a way to filter the images down to constituent elements? Matching those elements, instead of raw pixels, would help us to detect the contents of images more effectively. Consider the Fashion MNIST dataset that we used in the last chapter—when detecting a shoe, the neural network may have been activated by lots of dark pixels clustered at the bottom of the image, which it would see as the sole of the shoe. But when the shoe is no longer centered and filling the frame, this logic doesn’t hold.

One method to detect features comes from photography and the image processing methodologies that you might be familiar with. If you’ve ever used a tool like Photoshop or GIMP to sharpen an image, you’re using a mathematical filter that works on the pixels of the image. ...

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