Agile Software Development

Book description


A unique title that introduces the whole range of agile software development processes from the fundamental concepts to the highest levels of applications such as requirement analysis, software testing, quality assurance, and risk management.

Agile Software Development (ASD) has become a popular technology because its methods apply to any programming paradigm. It is important in the software development process because it emphasizes incremental delivery, team collaboration, continuous planning, and learning over delivering everything at once near the end. Agile has gained popularity as a result of its use of various frameworks, methods, and techniques to improve software quality. Scrum is a major agile framework that has been widely adopted by the software development community.

Metaheuristic techniques have been used in the agile software development process to improve software quality and reliability. These techniques not only improve quality and reliability but also test cases, resulting in cost-effective and time-effective software. However, many significant research challenges must be addressed to put such ASD capabilities into practice. With the use of diverse techniques, guiding principles, artificial intelligence, soft computing, and machine learning, this book seeks to study theoretical and technological research findings on all facets of ASD. Also, it sheds light on the latest trends, challenges, and applications in the area of ASD.

This book explores the theoretical as well as the technical research outcomes on all the aspects of Agile Software Development by using various methods, principles, artificial intelligence, soft computing, and machine learning.


The book is designed for computer scientists and software engineers both in research and industry. Graduate and postgraduate students will find the book accessible as well.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Series Page
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Preface
  6. 1 Agile Software Development in the Digital World – Trends and Challenges
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 Related Work
    3. 1.3 Agile Architecture Trends in the Digital World
    4. 1.4 Challenges Faced in the Digital World Through Agile Software Development
    5. 1.5 Generic Guidelines to Improve the Agile Transformation in Digital World
    6. 1.6 Conclusion and Future Perspective
    7. References
  7. 2 Agile Framework Adaptation Issues in Various Sectors
    1. 2.1 Introduction
    2. 2.2 Agile Followers
    3. 2.3 Proposed Work
    4. 2.4 Resolution Matrix
    5. 2.5 Conclusion and Future Work
    6. References
  8. 3 Vulnerability Assessment Tools for IoT: An Agile Approach
    1. 3.1 Introduction
    2. 3.2 Agile Methodology: SCRUM
    3. 3.3 Scrum Agile Benefits for IoT
    4. 3.4 Critical Factors for Implementing Agile Methodology
    5. 3.5 Conclusion
    6. References
  9. 4 Interoperable Agile IoT
    1. 4.1 Introduction
    2. 4.2 Agile Software Development
    3. 4.3 Internet of Things (IoT)
    4. 4.4 Agile–IoT Project for Interoperability
    5. 4.5 Agile–IoT Project for Smart Domains
    6. 4.6 INTER-IoT Framework for Interoperability
    7. 4.7 Conclusion
    8. References
  10. 5 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements in Agile Software Development
    1. 5.1 Introduction
    2. 5.2 Agile Requirements Gathering
    3. 5.3 Types of Requirements
    4. 5.4 Functional Requirement Gathering
    5. 5.5 Non-Functional Requirement Gathering
    6. 5.6 Testing Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
    7. 5.7 Conclusion and Future Scope
    8. References
  11. 6 Minimizing Cost, Effort, and Implementation Complexity for Adopting Security Requirements in an Agile Development Process for Cyber-Physical Systems
    1. 6.1 Introduction
    2. 6.2 Literature Review
    3. 6.3 Proposed Methodology
    4. 6.4 Conclusion
    5. References
  12. 7 A Systematic Literature Review on Test Case Prioritization Techniques
    1. 7.1 The Motivation for Systematic Review
    2. 7.2 Results
    3. 7.3 What Subject Systems Have Been Used to Evaluate Test Case Prioritization Techniques? What is the Type of Programming Platform for Subject Systems?
    4. 7.4 Research Gaps
    5. References
  13. 8 A Systematic Review of the Tools and Techniques in Distributed Agile Software Development
    1. 8.1 Introduction
    2. 8.2 Literature Review
    3. 8.3 Techniques for DASD
    4. 8.4 Tools for DASD
    5. 8.5 Conclusion
    6. References
  14. 9 Distributed Agile Software Development (DASD) Process
    1. 9.1 Introduction
    2. 9.2 Distributed Software Development
    3. 9.3 Distributed Agile Software Development Team
    4. 9.4 Scrum in Global Software Development (GSD)
    5. 9.5 Tools and Techniques for Agile Distributed Development
    6. 9.6 Conclusion
    7. References
  15. 10 Task Allocation in Agile-Based Distributed Project Development Environment
    1. 10.1 Introduction
    2. 10.2 Task Allocation
    3. 10.3 Machine Learning-Based Task Allocation Model
    4. 10.4 Conclusion
    5. References
  16. 11 Software Quality Management by Agile Testing
    1. 11.1 Introduction
    2. 11.2 A Brief Introduction to JMeter
    3. 11.3 Review of Literature
    4. 11.4 Performance Testing Using JMeter
    5. 11.5 Proposed Work
    6. 11.6 Results and Discussions
    7. 11.7 Conclusion
    8. References
  17. 12 A Deep Drive into Software Development Agile Methodologies for Software Quality Assurance
    1. 12.1 Introduction
    2. 12.2 Background Work
    3. 12.3 Understanding Agile Software Methodologies
    4. 12.4 Agile Methodology Evaluation Framework
    5. 12.5 Agile Software Development – Issues and Challenges
    6. 12.6 Conclusion
    7. References
  18. 13 Factors and Techniques for Software Quality Assurance in Agile Software Development
    1. 13.1 Introduction
    2. 13.2 Literature Review
    3. 13.3 Agile Factors in Quality Assurance
    4. 13.4 Quality Assurance Techniques
    5. 13.5 Challenges and Limitations of Agile Technology
    6. 13.6 Conclusion and Future Scope
    7. References
  19. 14 Classification of Risk Factors in Distributed Agile Software Development Based on User Story
    1. 14.1 Introduction
    2. 14.2 Software Risk Management
    3. 14.3 Literature Review
    4. 14.4 User Story-Based Classification of Risk Factors in Distributed Agile Software Development
    5. 14.5 Future Scope
    6. 14.6 Conclusion
    7. References
  20. 15 Software Effort Estimation with Machine Learning – A Systematic Literature Review
    1. 15.1 Introduction
    2. 15.2 Method
    3. 15.3 Result
    4. 15.4 Discussion
    5. 15.5 Conclusion
    6. 15.6 Future Scope
    7. References
  21. 16 Improving the Quality of Open Source Software
    1. 16.1 Introduction
    2. 16.2 Literature Review
    3. 16.3 Research Issues
    4. 16.4 Research Method and Data Collection
    5. 16.5 Results and Discussion
    6. 16.6 Conclusion and Future Scope
    7. References
  22. 17 Artificial Intelligence Enables Agile Software Development Life Cycle
    1. 17.1 Introduction
    2. 17.2 Literature Survey
    3. 17.3 Proposed Work
    4. 17.4 Conclusion
    5. References
  23. 18 Machine Learning in ASD: An Intensive Study of Automated Disease Prediction System
    1. 18.1 Introduction
    2. 18.2 Overview of ML
    3. 18.3 Case Study
    4. 18.4 Conclusion
    5. References
  24. Index
  25. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Agile Software Development
  • Author(s): Susheela Hooda, Vandana Mohindru Sood, Yashwant Singh, Sandeep Dalal, Manu Sood
  • Release date: March 2023
  • Publisher(s): Wiley-Scrivener
  • ISBN: 9781119896395