Aesthetics in Digital Photography

Book description

Automatically evaluating the aesthetic qualities of a photograph is a current challenge for artificial intelligence technologies, yet it is also an opportunity to open up new economic and social possibilities.

Aesthetics in Digital Photography presents theories developed over the last 25 centuries by philosophers and art critics, who have sometimes been governed by the objectivity of perception, and other times, of course, by the subjectivity of human judgement. It explores the advances that have been made in neuro-aesthetics and their current limitations.

In the field of photography, this book puts aesthetic hypotheses up against experimental verification, and then critically examines attempts to "scientifically" measure this beauty. Special attention is paid to artificial intelligence techniques, taking advantage of machine learning methods and large databases.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Introduction Image and Gaze
    1. Mechanisms related to interest
    2. Mechanisms associated with surprise
    3. Pleasure versus arousal
    4. Art, Beauty and Aesthetics – how are they related?
    5. Our work
  5. 1 The Legacy of Philosophers
    1. 1.1. The objectivist approach
    2. 1.2. The subjectivist approach
    3. 1.3. Subjectivism and objectivism: an ongoing debate
  6. 2 Neurobiology or the Arbitrator of Consciousness
    1. 2.1. fMRI protocols and neuroaesthetics
    2. 2.2. The fMRI quest for “beauty processes” in the brain
    3. 2.3. Responses from functional electric encephalography
    4. 2.4. A global cognitive scheme for aesthetic judgment?
    5. 2.5. A critique of neuroaesthetic methods
  7. 3 What Are the Criteria For a Beautiful Photo?
    1. 3.1. Before we enter into the fray
    2. 3.2. Composition
    3. 3.3. Histograms, spectral properties and textures
    4. 3.4. Color
    5. 3.5. What behavioral psychosociology has to say
  8. 4 Algorithmic Approaches to “Calculate” Beauty
    1. 4.1. First steps: C. Henry
    2. 4.2. G.D. Birkhoff’s mathematical approach
    3. 4.3. Those who followed G.D. Birkhoff
    4. 4.4. Algorithmic approach with AI: J. Schmidhuber
  9. 5 The Holy Grail of the Digital World: Artificial Intelligence
    1. 5.1. Which artificial intelligence?
    2. 5.2. Why artificial intelligence in aesthetics?
    3. 5.3. Expert opinions
    4. 5.4. The database
  10. 6 Primitive-based Classification Methods
    1. 6.1. Judging aesthetics
    2. 6.2. Help in composing beautiful photos
    3. 6.3. Some specific research related to the evaluation of aesthetics using primitives
  11. 7 Deep Neural Network Systems
    1. 7.1. DNNs dedicated to aesthetic evaluation
    2. 7.2. Variants around the basic DNN architecture
    3. 7.3. Written appraisals: analyzing them and formulating new ones
    4. 7.4. Measuring subjective beauty
  12. 8 A Critical Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques
    1. 8.1. The popularity of studies on aesthetics
    2. 8.2. A summary of learning methods
    3. 8.3. Questioning the hypotheses
    4. 8.4. Specific features of beautiful images detected by a computer
  13. Conclusion
  14. Appendix 1: A Brief Review of AestheticsA Brief Review of Aesthetics
    1. A1.1. Aesthetics in the ancient world: objectivism ruled supreme
    2. A1.2. The Renaissance
    3. A1.3. The modern world: from objectivism to subjectivism
  15. Appendix 2: Aesthetics in ChinaAesthetics in China
    1. A2.1. The image in Chinese literature
    2. A2.2. Objective or subjective?
    3. A2.3. Artificial intelligence and the aesthetic appraisal of Chinese art
  16. Appendix 3: The Aesthetic of Persian MiniaturesThe Aesthetic of Persian Miniatures
    1. A3.1. A brief history
    2. A3.2. What is the aesthetic of the miniature?
    3. A3.3. Objective or subjective?
  17. Appendix 4: Aesthetics in JapanAesthetics in Japan
    1. A4.1. A brief history of art in Japan
    2. A4.2. The art of impermanence
  18. References
  19. Index
  20. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Aesthetics in Digital Photography
  • Author(s): Henri Maître
  • Release date: August 2023
  • Publisher(s): Wiley-ISTE
  • ISBN: 9781786307538