Chapter 2. Basic Operations

In the previous chapter, we illustrated what an introductory demo application might look like. We briefly discussed establishing connections, retrieving data, and inserting data. In this chapter, we will dive into all the basic operations you’ll use when putting Aerospike to work, such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting. These operations are the heart of the day-to-day usage. You’ll use what you learn in this chapter every day you use Aerospike.

We will also discuss time-to-live (TTL), which helps with data life cycle management, and work more with WritePolicy and Policy, and explore various data types and how to use them. In particular, you’ll see how the Aerospike client interface handles the data types for you, in many cases, making data movement between systems easier.

CRUD Operations

Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) are the four fundamental operations of interacting with any database, including Aerospike. The CRUD operations are the fundamentals ...

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