AdvancED Flex 4

Book description

AdvancED Flex 4 makes advanced Flex 4 concepts and techniques easy. Ajax, RIA, Web 2.0, mashups, mobile applications, the most sophisticated web tools, and the coolest interactive web applications are all covered with practical, visually oriented recipes.

  • Completely updated for the new tools in Flex 4

  • Demonstrates how to use Flex 4 to create robust and scalable enterprise-grade Rich Internet Applications.

  • Teaches you to build high-performance web applications with interactivity that really engages your users.

  • Table of contents

    1. AdvancED Flex 4
      1. Copyright
      2. Dedication
      3. Contents at a Glance
      4. Contents (1/2)
      5. Contents (2/2)
      6. Foreword
      7. About the Authors
      8. About the Technical Reviewer
      9. Acknowledgments
      10. Introduction
      11. Layout conventions
      12. Chapter 1: Building Applications Using Test-Driven Development
        1. FlexUnit 4 Overview (1/8)
        2. FlexUnit 4 Overview (2/8)
        3. FlexUnit 4 Overview (3/8)
        4. FlexUnit 4 Overview (4/8)
        5. FlexUnit 4 Overview (5/8)
        6. FlexUnit 4 Overview (6/8)
        7. FlexUnit 4 Overview (7/8)
        8. FlexUnit 4 Overview (8/8)
        9. Summary
      13. Chapter 2: Turbo-Charging Data Binding
        1. Techniques for Using Data Binding
        2. Data Binding Between Client Side and Server Side
        3. Flex Data Binding Pitfalls and Common Misuse Mistakes
        4. Summary
      14. Chapter 3: Workflow Enhancements with Flash Catalyst
        1. Developers Are from Mars, Designers Are from Venus
        2. Utilizing Flash Catalyst As a Developer Tool
        3. Summary
      15. Chapter 4: Flex and AIR: Taking Applications to the Desktop
        1. AIR Basics
        2. Building a Browser
        3. Native Menus
        4. Building a Photo Browser (1/2)
        5. Building a Photo Browser (2/2)
        6. SQLite Database (1/2)
        7. SQLite Database (2/2)
        8. Self-Updating with AIR
        9. Summary
      16. Chapter 5: AIR 2.0 Enhancements Overview
        1. New Functionality in AIR 2.0 (1/3)
        2. New Functionality in AIR 2.0 (2/3)
        3. New Functionality in AIR 2.0 (3/3)
        4. Additional Functionality to Existing APIs (1/2)
        5. Additional Functionality to Existing APIs (2/2)
        6. Platform Awareness–Related APIs
        7. Better Performance (1/2)
        8. Better Performance (2/2)
        9. Summary
      17. Chapter 6: Creating Themes in Flex 4
        1. Understanding Spark Style Support
        2. CSS Styling vs. Skins
        3. Building a Theme Using Flash Catalyst (1/2)
        4. Building a Theme Using Flash Catalyst (2/2)
        5. Integrating a Theme into Flash Builder / Flex Plug-In
        6. Integrating a Theme into Flash Builder 4 / Flex Plug-In
        7. Building a Theme Using Adobe Illustrator
        8. Summary
      18. Chapter 7: Integrating Flex with Java Using Services
        1. Leveraging HTTP Calls and Web Services
        2. Integration Based on HTTP Requests (1/5)
        3. Integration Based on HTTP Requests (2/5)
        4. Integration Based on HTTP Requests (3/5)
        5. Integration Based on HTTP Requests (4/5)
        6. Integration Based on HTTP Requests (5/5)
        7. Integration through Web Services (1/4)
        8. Integration through Web Services (2/4)
        9. Integration through Web Services (3/4)
        10. Integration through Web Services (4/4)
        11. Summary
      19. Chapter 8: Integrating via Data Services
        1. Remoting and RPC
        2. Messaging and Real-time Updates (1/2)
        3. Messaging and Real-time Updates (2/2)
        4. Using Server-side Proxies
        5. Additional Useful Data Services Tips
        6. Summary
      20. Chapter 9: Talking with JavaScript and HTML: Web Page Integration
        1. Hacking the Flash Builder Page Template
        2. Flex Calling JavaScript (1/2)
        3. Flex Calling JavaScript (2/2)
        4. Calling from JavaScript Into Flex
        5. Flex for Widgets (1/2)
        6. Flex for Widgets (2/2)
        7. Summary
      21. Chapter 10: Flex Mashups
        1. Accessing Data Sources (1/4)
        2. Accessing Data Sources (2/4)
        3. Accessing Data Sources (3/4)
        4. Accessing Data Sources (4/4)
        5. Working with Web Feeds and Namespaces (1/2)
        6. Working with Web Feeds and Namespaces (2/2)
        7. Creating a Proxy (1/3)
        8. Creating a Proxy (2/3)
        9. Creating a Proxy (3/3)
        10. Data Interconnectivity (1/4)
        11. Data Interconnectivity (2/4)
        12. Data Interconnectivity (3/4)
        13. Data Interconnectivity (4/4)
        14. Mixing Additional Resources
        15. Connections to Popular APIs (1/4)
        16. Connections to Popular APIs (2/4)
        17. Connections to Popular APIs (3/4)
        18. Connections to Popular APIs (4/4)
        19. Creating Your Own Flex Mashup
        20. Summary
      22. Chapter 11: Flash Security
        1. Part 1: Cross-Domain Scripting
        2. Part 2: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability (1/2)
        3. Part 2: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability (2/2)
        4. Spoofing Attacks
        5. Summary
        6. Links
      23. Chapter 12: Migrating Web 1.0 Interfaces to RIA
        1. Weighing Up the StatusQuo
        2. Migration Strategies (1/3)
        3. Migration Strategies (2/3)
        4. Migration Strategies (3/3)
        5. Strategies to Port Framework-based Applications
        6. Summary
      24. Chapter 13: Working with Web 2.0 APIs
        1. Twitter API for Flex and AIR Apps
        2. Summary
      25. Chapter 14: Facilitating Audio and Video
        1. Supported Video and Audio Formats
        2. Encoding Video for Flash Applications (1/2)
        3. Encoding Video for Flash Applications (2/2)
        4. Creating a Music Player (1/3)
        5. Creating a Music Player (2/3)
        6. Creating a Music Player (3/3)
        7. Creating a Video Player for Flash 10 (1/2)
        8. Creating a Video Player for Flash 10 (2/2)
        9. Adobe Open Screen Media Framework
        10. Hello World Example (1/2)
        11. Hello World Example (2/2)
        12. Summary
      26. Chapter 15: Using 3D in Flex
        1. Before You Begin
        2. Creating 3D Objects
        3. Working with Materials
        4. Animating Objects
        5. Creating a Papervision Coverflow Utilizing ArrayCollection (1/2)
        6. Creating a Papervision Coverflow Utilizing ArrayCollection (2/2)
        7. Summary
      27. Index (1/4)
      28. Index (2/4)
      29. Index (3/4)
      30. Index (4/4)

    Product information

    • Title: AdvancED Flex 4
    • Author(s): Shashank Tiwari, Elad Elrom
    • Release date: August 2010
    • Publisher(s): friends of ED
    • ISBN: 9781430224839