A ASCII Coding

A.1 International alphabet No. 5

ANSI defined a standard alphabet known as ASCII. This has since been adopted by the CCITT as a standard, known as IA5 (International Alphabet No.5). The following tables define this alphabet in binary, as a decimal value, as a hexadecimal value and as a character.

Binary Decimal Hex Character Binary Decimal Hex Character
00000000 0 00 NUL 00010000 16 10 DLE
00000001 1 01 SOH 00010001 17 11 DC1
00000010 2 02 STX 00010010 18 12 DC 2
00000011 3 03 ETX 00010011 19 13 DC 3
00000100 4 04 EOT 00010100 20 14 DC 4
00000101 5 05 ENQ 00010101 21 15 NAK
00000110 6 06 ACK 00010110 22 16 SYN
00000111 7 07 BEL 00010111 23 17 ETB
00001000 8 08 BS 00011000 24 18 CAN
00001001 9 09 HT

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