Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2: Visual QuickStart Guide

Book description

This book uses simple step-by-step instructions, loads of screen shots, and an array of time-saving tips and tricks, serving both as the quickest route to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 mastery for new users, and a handy reference for more experienced digital photographers.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 features numerous new features and enhancements including the ability to enhance specific areas of a photo, edit JPG, TIFF, and more than 190 camera raw file formats non-destructively, print more efficiently, and sharpen smartly.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2: Visual QuickStart Guide is the definitive task-based tutorial for digital photographers needing a jump-start on the complete range of features available in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2. Master this workflow application quickly and completely by working from beginning to end or just skip to the task you need right now. It’s all covered, everything from importing, organizing and processing images, to managing and showcasing your images—whether it’s one shot or an entire shoot.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Special Thanks to...
  3. Introduction
    1. What’s New in Lightroom 2?
    2. Using This Book
  4. 1. Lightroom 2 Overview
    1. Library Module
    2. Develop Module
    3. Slideshow Module
    4. Print Module
    5. Web Module
    6. Controlling Triangle Actions
  5. 2. Importing Images
    1. Set Import Preferences
    2. Importing Images
    3. Using Catalogs
      1. Exporting a catalog
      2. Importing a catalog
  6. 3. Navigating the Library
    1. Using the Toolbar
    2. Setting Library Source
    3. Setting the Library View
    4. Grid and Loupe View Options
    5. Opening a Second Library Window
    6. Setting Thumbnail Size
    7. Setting Sort View
    8. Rearranging Photos
    9. Moving Through Photos
    10. Selecting Images
    11. Rotating Images
  7. 4. Organizing and Reviewing Images
    1. Adjusting Your Review Setup
    2. Flagging Photos
    3. Using Ratings and Labels
    4. Using the Compare and Survey Views
    5. Removing or Deleting Photos
  8. 5. Using Keywords
    1. Creating Keywords
    2. Using Keyword Sets
    3. Editing Keywords
  9. 6. Finding and Collecting Images
    1. Using the Library Filter
    2. Creating and Using Collections
      1. Using a Target Collection
  10. 7. Developing Images
    1. Making Quick Fixes
    2. Working in the Develop Module
    3. Creating Virtual Copies
    4. Using the Presets Panel
    5. Using the Snapshot and History Panels
    6. Making Basic Adjustments
    7. Adjusting Tone Curves
    8. Using the HSL and Color Panels
    9. Using the Grayscale and Split Toning Panels
    10. Using the Detail Panel
  11. 8. Making Local Image Adjustments
    1. Using the Crop Overlay Tool
    2. Using the Spot Removal Tool
    3. Using the Red Eye Correction Tool
    4. Using the Graduated Filter
    5. Using the Adjustment Brush
  12. 9. Creating Slideshows and Web Galleries
    1. Selecting and Ordering Photos
    2. Using the Slideshow Module
    3. Choosing Slideshow Settings
    4. Setting Slideshow Playback
    5. Creating Web Galleries
    6. Choosing Web Gallery Settings
    7. Previewing and Uploading a Web Gallery
  13. 10. Making Prints
    1. Setting Up to Print
    2. Choosing a Basic Print Template
    3. Customizing a Print Template
    4. Choosing Print Settings
    5. Saving a Custom Template
    6. Printing Photos
  14. 11. Exporting Images
    1. Adding Export Plug-ins
    2. Meshing Lightroom and Photoshop

Product information

  • Title: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2: Visual QuickStart Guide
  • Author(s): Nolan Hester
  • Release date: November 2008
  • Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
  • ISBN: 9780321604002