Chapter 1. Introducing Adobe Creative Suite 5
In This Chapter
Looking over InDesign CS5
Drawing with Illustrator CS5
Introducing Photoshop CS5
Getting started with Acrobat 9.0
Creating Web sites with Dreamweaver CS5
Getting into Flash Professional CS5 and Flash Catalyst CS5
Getting fired up with Fireworks CS5
Putting Adobe Bridge into your workflow
Integrating the programs in Adobe CS5
With the Adobe Creative Suite 5 (CS5) Design Premium release, you get not only the tools you need to be creative for print and the Web but also Adobe Fireworks, to make Web sites more attractive than ever.
The diverse software in Adobe CS5 Design Premium enables you to create everything from an interactive e-commerce Web site to a printed book. Each piece of software in the Adobe Creative Suite works on its own as a robust tool. Combine all the applications, including Adobe Bridge, and you have a dynamic workflow that just can't be matched.
In this minibook, you see the many features that are consistent among the applications in the suite. You find consistencies in color, file formats, and text editing as well as general preferences for rulers and guides throughout all applications in CS5. This minibook also shows you where to find the new features and how to save time by taking advantage of them.
In this chapter, you meet each of the components in Adobe CS5 Design Premium and discover what you can create with each of these powerful tools.
Introducing InDesign CS5
InDesign is a diverse and feature-rich page layout ...
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