Book description
Getting data across platforms and formats is a cornerstone of present-day applications development. ADO: ActiveX Data Objects is both an introduction and a complete reference to ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), Microsoft's universal data access solution. You'll learn how to easily access data in multiple formats--such as email messages, Access databases, Word documents, and SQL databases--even on different platforms, without spending extra time learning every last detail about each format.Author Jason Roff shows by example how to use ADO with your programming language of choice to save programming time, so you can concentrate on the content and quality of your application rather than the nitty-gritty of specific data formats.ADO: ActiveX Data Objects includes:
- Chapters dedicated to the Connection, Recordset, Field, and Command objects and the Properties collection
- A complete, detailed reference listing every ADO object, method, property, and event, in convenient alphabetical order
- Chapters on ADO architecture, data shaping, the ADO Event Model
- An appendix containing enumeration tables used by ADO objects and collections, listed alphabetically
- Brief introductions to RDS, ADO.NET, and SQL
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- ADO: ActiveX Data Objects
- A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
- Preface
I. Learning ADO
- 1. Introduction to ADO
- 2. The ADO Architecture
- 3. Accessing ADO with Various Languages
- 4. The Connection Object
5. The Recordset Object
- Cursors: Viewing a Recordset
- Working with Recordsets
- Navigating a Recordset
- Working with Records
- Lock Types: Managing Access to a Recordset
- Summary
- 6. Fields
- 7. The Command Object
- 8. The ADO Event Model
- 9. Data Shaping
- 10. Records and Streams
- 11. Remote Data Services
- 12. The Microsoft .NET Framework and ADO.NET
II. Reference Section
13. ADO API Reference
- Finding the Reference Page
Using the Reference Pages
- Sample Object
- Sample Object.Property
- Sample Object.Method
- Command Object
- Command.ActiveConnection Property
- Command.Cancel Method
- Command.CommandStream Property
- Command.CommandText Property
- Command.CommandTimeout Property
- Command.CommandType Property
- Command.CreateParameter Method
- Command.Dialect Property
- Command.Execute Method
- Command.Name Property
- Command.NamedParameters Property
- Command.Parameters Collection
- Command.Prepared Property
- Command.Properties Collection
- Command.State Property
- Connection Object
- Connection.Attributes Property
- Connection.BeginTrans Method, Connection.CommitTrans Method, Connection.RollbackTrans Method
- Connection.BeginTransComplete Event
- Connection.Cancel Method
- Connection.Close Method
- Connection.CommandTimeout Property
- Connection.CommitTrans Method
- Connection.CommitTransComplete Event
- Connection.ConnectComplete Event
- Connection.ConnectionString Property
- Connection.ConnectionTimeout Property
- Connection.CursorLocation Property
- Connection.DefaultDatabase Property
- Connection.Disconnect Event
- Connection.Errors Collection
- Connection.Execute Method
- Connection.ExecuteComplete Event
- Connection.InfoMessage Event
- Connection.IsolationLevel Property
- Connection.Mode Property
- Connection.Open Method
- Connection.OpenSchema
- Connection.Properties Collection
- Connection.Provider Property
- Connection.RollbackTrans Method
- Connection.RollbackTransComplete Event
- Connection.State Property
- Connection.Version Property
- Connection.WillConnect Event
- Connection.WillExecute Event
- Error Object
- Error.Description Property
- Error.HelpContext Property (Versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6)Error.HelpFile Property
- Error.NativeError Property
- Error.Number Property
- Error.Source Property
- Error.SQLState Property
- Errors Collection
- Errors.Clear Method
- Errors.Count Property
- Errors.Item Property
- Errors.Refresh Method
- Field Object
- Field.ActualSize Property
- Field.AppendChunk
- Field.Attributes Property
- Field.DataFormat Property
- Field.DefinedSize Property
- Field.GetChunk Method
- Field.Name Property
- Field.NumericScale Property
- Field.OriginalValue Property
- Field.Precision Property
- Field.Properties Collection
- Field.Status Property
- Field.Type Property
- Field.UnderlyingValue Property
- Field.Value Property
- Fields Collection
- Fields.Append Method
- Fields.CancelUpdate Method
- Fields.Count Property
- Fields.Delete Method
- Fields.Item Property
- Fields.Refresh Method
- Fields.Resync Method
- Fields.Update Method
- Parameter Object
- Parameter.AppendChunk Method
- Parameter.Attributes Property
- Parameter.Direction Property
- Parameter.Name Property
- Parameter.NumericScale Property
- Parameter.Precision Property
- Parameter.Properties Collection
- Parameter.Size Property
- Parameter.Type Property
- Parameter.Value Property
- Parameters Collection
- Parameters.Append Method
- Parameters.Count Property
- Parameters.Delete Method
- Parameters.Item Property
- Parameters.Refresh Method
- Properties Collection
- Properties.Count Property
- Properties.Item Property
- Properties.Refresh Method
- Property Object
- Property.Attributes Property
- Property.Name Property
- Property.Type Property
- Property.Value Property
- Record Object
- Record.ActiveConnection Property
- Record.Cancel Method
- Record.Close Method
- Record.CopyRecord Method
- Record.DeleteRecord Method
- Record.Fields Collection
- Record.GetChildren Method
- Record.Mode Property
- Record.MoveRecord Method
- Record.Open Method
- Record.ParentURL Property
- Record.Properties Collection
- Record.RecordType Property
- Record.Source Property
- Record.State Property
- Recordset Object
- Recordset.AbsolutePage Property
- Recordset.AbsolutePosition Property
- Recordset.ActiveCommand Property
- Recordset.ActiveConnection Property
- Recordset.AddNew Method
- Recordset.BOF Property (Versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6)Recordset.EOF Property
- Recordset.Bookmark Property
- Recordset.CacheSize Property
- Recordset.Cancel Method
- Recordset.CancelBatch Method
- Recordset.CancelUpdate Method
- Recordset.Clone Method
- Recordset.Close Method
- Recordset.CompareBookmarks Method
- Recordset.CursorLocation Property
- Recordset.CursorType Property
- Recordset.DataMember Property, Recordset.DataSource Property
- Recordset.Delete Method
- Recordset.EditMode Property
- Recordset.EndOfRecordset Event
- Recordset.EOF Property
- Recordset.FetchComplete Event
- Recordset.FetchProgress Event
- Recordset.FieldChangeComplete Event
- Recordset.Fields Collection
- Recordset.Filter Property
- Recordset.Find Method
- Recordset.GetRows Method
- Recordset.GetString Method
- Recordset.Index Property
- Recordset.LockType Property
- Recordset.MarshalOptions Property
- Recordset.MaxRecords Property
- Recordset.Move Method
- Recordset.MoveComplete Event
- Recordset.MoveFirst Method, Recordset.MoveLast Method, Recordset.MoveNext Method, Recordset.MovePrevious Method
- Recordset.NextRecordset Method
- Recordset.Open Method
- Recordset.PageCount Property
- Recordset.PageSize Property
- Recordset.Properties Collection
- Recordset.RecordChangeComplete Event
- Recordset.RecordsetChangeComplete Event
- Recordset.RecordCount Property
- Recordset.Requery Method
- Recordset.Resync Method
- Recordset.Save Method
- Recordset.Seek Method
- Recordset.Sort Property
- Recordset.Source Property
- Recordset.State Property
- Recordset.Status Property
- Recordset.StayInSync Property
- Recordset.Supports Method
- Recordset.Update Method
- Recordset.UpdateBatch Method
- Recordset.WillChangeField Event
- Recordset.WillChangeRecord Event
- Recordset.WillChangeRecordset Event
- Recordset.WillMove Event
- Stream Object
- Stream.Cancel Method
- Stream.CharSet Property
- Stream.Close Method
- Stream.CopyTo Method
- Stream.EOS Property
- Stream.Flush Method
- Stream.LineSeparator Property
- Stream.LoadFromFile Method
- Stream.Mode Property
- Stream.Open Method
- Stream.Position Property
- Stream.Read Method
- Stream.ReadText Method
- Stream.SaveToFile Method
- Stream.SetEOS Method
- Stream.Size Property
- Stream.SkipLine Method
- Stream.State Property
- Stream.Type Property
- Stream.Write Method
- Stream.WriteText Method
13. ADO API Reference
III. Appendixes
- A. Introduction to SQL
- B. The Properties Collection
- C. ADO Errors
D. The ADO Data Control
- The ADO Data Control Property Pages
- Creating Connection Strings with the ADO Data Control
- The ADO Data Control Example
E. Enumeration Tables
- AffectEnum Enumeration
- BookmarkEnum Enumeration
- CommandTypeEnum Enumeration
- CompareEnum Enumeration
- ConnectModeEnum Enumeration
- ConnectOptionEnum Enumeration
- ConnectPromptEnum Enumeration
- CopyRecordOptionsEnum Enumeration
- CursorLocationEnum Enumeration
- CursorOptionEnum Enumeration
- CursorTypeEnum Enumeration
- DataTypeEnum Enumeration
- EditModeEnum Enumeration
- ErrorValueEnum Enumeration
- EventReasonEnum
- EventStatusEnum Enumeration
- ExecuteOptionEnum Enumeration
- FieldAttributesEnum Enumeration
- FieldEnum Enumeration
- FieldStatusEnum Enumeration
- FilterGroupEnum Enumeration
- GetRowsOptionEnum Enumeration
- IsolationLevelEnum Enumeration
- LineSeparatorEnum Enumeration
- LockTypeEnum Enumeration
- MarshalOptionsEnum Enumeration
- MoveRecordOptionsEnum Enumeration
- ObjectStateEnum Enumeration
- ParameterAttributesEnum Enumeration
- ParameterDirectionEnum Enumeration
- PersistFormatEnum Enumeration
- PositionEnum Enumeration
- PropertyAttributesEnum Enumeration
- RecordCreateOptionsEnum Enumeration
- RecordOpenOptionsEnum Enumeration
- RecordStatusEnum Enumeration
- RecordTypeEnum Enumeration
- ResyncEnum Enumeration
- SaveOptionsEnum Enumeration
- SchemaEnum Enumeration
- SearchDirectionEnum Enumeration
- SeekEnum Enumeration
- StreamOpenOptionsEnum Enumeration
- StreamReadEnum Enumeration
- StreamTypeEnum Enumeration
- StreamWriteEnum Enumeration
- StringFormatEnum Enumeration
- XactAttributeEnum Enumeration
- Index
- Colophon
- Copyright
Product information
- Title: ADO: ActiveX Data Objects
- Author(s):
- Release date: June 2001
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781491935569
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