Many individuals and organizations contributed their time and insight to this book.
Special thanks go to my editor, Mary Gentile and to my publishers at BEP.
Much gratitude to the many people at the companies profiled here, who shared their experiences in many interviews.
Additional thanks go to a number of colleagues, who offered special insight, including Chris Walker of WBCSD, Brendan LeBlanc, Dan Kreeger of ACCO, Joyce Coffee of ND GAIN, Debbra Johnson, Emilie Mazzacurati, Jean Rogers of SASB, Dawn Rittenhouse of DuPont, Bernhard Frey of the UN Global Compact, Jeff Peck, Cynthia Thompson and Prakash Sethi of CUNY’s Zicklin School of Business, Elke Weber of Columbia Business School, among many others, too numerous to list here. ...
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