
Many exciting things have happened in learning and development since the third issue of Active Training was published in 2005. Even with the introduction of m-learning, massive open online courses (MOOCs), social learning, numerous tablets, and a host of other tools, techniques, and gadgets, organizations continue to rely heavily on instructor-led training (ILT). According to the ATD State of the Industry Report (2014), instructor-led training accounted for 70 percent of training available, down about 10 percent over the past ten years. Organizations are beginning to utilize online ILT more often.

An active training program is characterized by activity, variety, and participation. More specifically, eight qualities set it apart from other program designs. You will find that these eight qualities are required in all training events: ILT or self-directed, synchronous or asynchronous, in a webinar or classroom. The eight qualities that create successful active training include the following.

1. Moderate Level of Content

In designing training programs, too often the tendency is to cover the waterfront by throwing in everything possible about a given subject. After all, you only get one shot at these participants, so you'd better make sure you have covered it all. You may fail to realize, however, that participants will forget far more than they will ever learn. The best approach is ...

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