11.13. Finding the Bridgehead Servers for a Site


You want to find the bridgehead servers for a site.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the Replication Monitor from the Support Tools (replmon.exe).

  2. From the menu, select View Options.

  3. In the left pane, right-click on Monitored Servers and select Add Monitored Server.

  4. Use the Add Monitored Server Wizard to add a server in the site you want to find the bridgehead server(s) for.

  5. In the left pane, right-click on the server and select Show BridgeHead Servers In This Server’s Site.

Using a command-line interface

> repadmin /bridgeheads [<ServerName>] [/verbose]

The /bridgeheads option is valid only with the Windows Server 2003 version of repadmin. There is no such option in the Windows 2000 version.

Using VBScript

' This code finds the bridgehead servers for the specified site.
strServer = "<ServerName>" ' server to target query against, e.g. dc01
strSite = "<SiteName>"     ' name of site to query
                           ' e.g. Default-First-Site-Name
' ------ END CONFIGURATION ---------

set objIadsTools = CreateObject("IADsTools.DCFunctions")
intRes = objIadsTools.GetBridgeHeadsInSite(Cstr(strServer),Cstr(strSite),0)

if intRes = -1 then
   Wscript.Echo "Error bridge heads: " & objIadsTools.LastErrorText
end if

for count = 1 to intRes
   WScript.Echo vbTab & objIadsTools.BridgeHeadName(count)


Bridgehead servers are responsible for replicating data between sites. Instead of all domain controllers ...

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