Chapter 10. Authentication and Security Protocols
Active Directory is a core security component on the network, and one of the key protocols involved is Kerberos, a secure and flexible authentication protocol that we’ll explore in detail in this chapter. Fortunately, Active Directory abstracts away most of the complexities of the protocol, so there are only a couple of configuration scenarios worth visiting. Those scenarios include service-specific configuration and Kerberos constrained delegation.
We’ll wrap up with a look at a couple of security features that Active Directory brings to the table including authentication mechanism assurance and managed service accounts.
10.1. Kerberos
One of the fundamental underpinnings of any network that runs on Active Directory is the Kerberos security protocol. Kerberos provides the authentication mechanism that powers user logon, application access, and communication between domain controllers (among other things). Implementing Kerberos on its own is a challenging task that Microsoft has almost completely abstracted with Active Directory. Out of the box, there’s virtually zero configuration required to start using Kerberos. In fact, if you never ran across an application that required special Kerberos-specific configuration, you would never even need to know that Kerberos was being used under the covers.
The key benefit of the Kerberos security protocol is the ability for a user to securely prove her identity and then achieve single sign-on to ...
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