14.2. Connecting to the FlashCom Server


You want to connect to a FlashCom server application.


Create a NetConnection object and invoke the connect( ) method from it. To detect the connection status, add an onStatus( ) method to the NetConnection object.


The NetConnection class enables you to connect your Flash movies to a FlashCom server application. You first need to create a NetConnection object and then invoke the connect( ) method from that instance. The connect( ) method requires the Universal Resource Identifier (URI) to the FlashCom server application to which you wish to connect.

// Create the NetConnection object.
myConnection = new NetConnection(  );

// Call the connect(  ) method to connect to an application named myApplication, where
// the FlashCom server is on the same machine as the .swf file.

The URI must always be in one of two formats (the items in brackets are optional):




You should use the first URI format when the FlashCom server and the .swf file are not on the same machine (as is the case in most production environments). The second URI format is acceptable when the FlashCom server and the .swf file are on the same machine (which is typically the case in a development environment). In either case, you need to supply the port number only if the FlashCom server is running on a port other than the ...

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